alignments package

alignments module

The Alignments Module is the main entry point into the Alignments Tool.

Tools for manipulating the alignments serialized file

class tools.alignments.alignments.Alignments(arguments: Namespace)

Bases: object

The main entry point for Faceswap’s Alignments Tool. This tool is part of the Faceswap Tools suite and should be called from the python alignments command.

The tool allows for manipulation, and working with Faceswap alignments files.

This parent class handles creating the individual job arguments when running in batch-mode or triggers the job when not running in batch mode


arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The argparse arguments as passed in from


The entry point for the Alignments tool from

Launches the selected alignments job.

jobs_faces module

Tools for manipulating the alignments using extracted Faces as a source

class tools.alignments.jobs_faces.FaceToFile(alignments: AlignmentData, face_data: list[PNGHeaderDict])

Bases: object

Updates any optional/missing keys in the alignments file with any data that has been populated in a PNGHeader. Includes masks and identity fields.

  • alignments ( – The loaded alignments containing faces to be removed

  • face_data (list) – List of PNGHeaderDict objects

class tools.alignments.jobs_faces.FromFaces(alignments: None, arguments: Namespace)

Bases: object

Scan a folder of Faceswap Extracted Faces and re-create the associated alignments file(s)

  • alignments (NoneType) – Parameter included for standard job naming convention, but not used for this process.

  • arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The argparse arguments as passed in from

process() None

Run the job to read faces from a folder to create alignments file(s).

class tools.alignments.jobs_faces.RemoveFaces(alignments: AlignmentData, arguments: Namespace)

Bases: object

Remove items from alignments file.

  • alignments ( – The loaded alignments containing faces to be removed

  • arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The command line arguments that have called this job

process() None

Run the job to remove faces from an alignments file that do not exist within a faces folder.

class tools.alignments.jobs_faces.Rename(alignments: AlignmentData, arguments: Namespace | None, faces: Faces | None = None)

Bases: object

Rename faces in a folder to match their filename as stored in an alignments file.

  • alignments ( – The alignments data loaded from an alignments file for this rename job

  • arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The argparse arguments as passed in from

  • faces (, Optional) – An optional faces object, if the rename task is being called by another job. Default: None

process() None

Process the face renaming

jobs_frames module

Tools for manipulating the alignments using Frames as a source

class tools.alignments.jobs_frames.Draw(alignments: AlignmentData, arguments: Namespace)

Bases: object

Draws annotations onto original frames and saves into a sub-folder next to the original frames.

  • alignments ( – The loaded alignments corresponding to the frames to be annotated

  • arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The command line arguments that have called this job

process() None

Runs the process to draw face annotations onto original source frames.

class tools.alignments.jobs_frames.Extract(alignments: AlignmentData, arguments: Namespace)

Bases: object

Re-extract faces from source frames based on Alignment data

  • alignments ( – The alignments data loaded from an alignments file for this rename job

  • arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The argparse arguments as passed in from

process() None

Run the re-extraction from Alignments file process

jobs module

Tools for manipulating the alignments serialized file

class AlignmentData, arguments: Namespace)

Bases: object

Frames and faces checking tasks.

  • alignments ( – The loaded alignments corresponding to the frames to be annotated

  • arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The command line arguments that have called this job

output_file(output_message: str, items_discovered: int) None

Save the output to a text file in the frames directory

  • output_message (str) – The message to write out to file

  • items_discovered (int) – The number of items which matched the criteria

process() None

Process the frames check against the alignments file

class AlignmentData, arguments: Namespace)

Bases: object

Export alignments from a Faceswap .fsa file to a json formatted file.


arguments: argparse.Namespace

The argparse arguments as passed in from Unused

process() None

Parse the imported alignments file and output relevant information to a json file

class AlignmentData, arguments: Namespace)

Bases: object

Sort alignments’ index by the order they appear in an image in left to right order.

  • alignments ( – The alignments data loaded from an alignments file for this rename job

  • arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The argparse arguments as passed in from Unused

process() None

Execute the sort process

reindex_faces() int

Re-Index the faces

class AlignmentData, arguments: Namespace)

Bases: object

Apply spatial temporal filtering to landmarks

  • alignments ( – The alignments data loaded from an alignments file for this rename job

  • arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The argparse arguments as passed in from

  • Reference

  • ---------

  • https (// –

process() None

Perform spatial filtering

media module

Media items (Alignments, Faces, Frames) for alignments tool

class str)

Bases: Alignments

Class to hold the alignment data


alignments_file (str) – Full path to an alignments file

static check_file_exists(alignments_file: str) tuple[str, str]

Check if the alignments file exists, and returns a tuple of the folder and filename.


alignments_file (str) – Full path to an alignments file


  • folder (str) – The full path to the folder containing the alignments file

  • filename (str) – The filename of the alignments file

save() None

Backup copy of old alignments and save new alignments

class Frames, alignments: AlignmentData, size: int = 512)

Bases: object

Holds the extracted faces and matrix for alignments

  • frames (Frames) – The frames object to extract faces from

  • alignments (AlignmentData) – The alignment data corresponding to the frames

  • size (int, optional) – The extract face size. Default: 512

extract_one_face(alignment: AlignmentFileDict, image: np.ndarray) DetectedFace

Extract one face from image

  • alignment (dict) – The alignment for a single face

  • image (numpy.ndarray) – The image to extract the face from


The detected face object for the given alignment with the aligned face loaded

Return type:


get_faces(frame: str, image: np.ndarray | None = None) None

Obtain faces and transformed landmarks for each face in a given frame with its alignments

  • frame (str) – The frame name to obtain faces for

  • image (numpy.ndarray, optional) – The image to extract the face from, if we already have it, otherwise None to load the image. Default: None

get_faces_in_frame(frame: str, update: bool = False, image: np.ndarray | None = None) list[DetectedFace]

Return the faces for the selected frame

  • frame (str) – The frame name to get the faces for

  • update (bool, optional) – True if the faces should be refreshed regardless of current frame. False to not force a refresh. Default False

  • image (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Image to load faces from if it exists, otherwise None to load the image. Default: None


List of DetectedFace objects for the frame, with the aligned face loaded

Return type:


get_roi_size_for_frame(frame: str) list[int]

Return the size of the original extract box for the selected frame.


frame (str) – The frame to obtain the original sized bounding boxes for


List of original pixel sizes of faces held within the frame

Return type:


class str, alignments: Alignments | None = None)

Bases: MediaLoader

Object to load Extracted Faces from a folder.

  • folder (str) – The folder to load faces from

  • alignments (lib.align.Alignments, optional) – The alignments object that contains the faces. This can be used for 2 purposes: - To update legacy hash based faces for <v2.1 alignments to png header based version. - When the remove-faces job is being run, when the process will only load faces that exist in the alignments file. Default: None

load_items() dict[str, list[int]]

Load the face names into dictionary.


The source filename as key with list of face indices for the frame as value

Return type:


process_folder() Generator[tuple[str, PNGHeaderDict], None, None]

Iterate through the faces folder pulling out various information for each face.


dict – A dictionary for each face found containing the keys returned from lib.image.read_image_meta_batch

sorted_items() list[tuple[str, PNGHeaderDict]]

Return the items sorted by the saved file name.


List of dict objects for each face found, sorted by the face’s current filename

Return type:


class str, count: int | None = None)

Bases: MediaLoader

Object to hold the frames that are to be checked against

load_items() dict[str, tuple[str, str]]

Load the frame info into dictionary


Fullname as key, tuple of frame name and extension as value

Return type:


process_folder() Generator[dict[str, str], None, None]

Iterate through the frames folder pulling the base filename


dict – The full framename, the filename and the file extension of the frame

process_frames() Generator[dict[str, str], None, None]

Process exported Frames


dict – The full framename, the filename and the file extension of the frame

process_video() Generator[dict[str, str], None, None]

Dummy in frames for video


dict – The full framename, the filename and the file extension of the frame

sorted_items() list[dict[str, str]]

Return the items sorted by filename


The sorted list of frame information

Return type:


class str, count: int | None = None)

Bases: object

Class to load images.

  • folder (str) – The folder of images or video file to load images from

  • count (int or None, optional) – If the total frame count is known it can be passed in here which will skip analyzing a video file. If the count is not passed in, it will be calculated. Default: None

check_input_folder() VideoCapture | None
Ensure that the frames or faces folder exists and is valid.

If frames folder contains a video file return imageio reader object


Object for reading a video stream

Return type:


property count: int

Number of faces or frames



property is_video: bool

Return whether source is a video or not



load_image(filename: str) np.ndarray

Load an image


filename (str) – The filename of the image to load


The loaded image

Return type:


load_items() dict[str, list[int]] | dict[str, tuple[str, str]]

Override for specific item loading

load_video_frame(filename: str) np.ndarray

Load a requested frame from video


filename (str) – The frame name to load


The loaded image

Return type:


process_folder() Generator[dict[str, str], None, None] | Generator[tuple[str, PNGHeaderDict], None, None]

Override for specific folder processing

static save_image(output_folder: str, filename: str, image: np.ndarray, metadata: PNGHeaderDict | None = None) None

Save an image

sorted_items() list[dict[str, str]] | list[tuple[str, PNGHeaderDict]]

Override for specific folder processing

stream(skip_list: list[int] | None = None) Generator[tuple[str, np.ndarray], None, None]

Load the images in folder in the order they are received from lib.image.ImagesLoader in a background thread.


skip_list (list, optional) – A list of frame indices that should not be loaded. Pass None if all images should be loaded. Default: None

  • str – The filename of the image that is being returned

  • numpy.ndarray – The image that has been loaded from disk

static valid_extension(filename) bool

bool: Check whether passed in file has a valid extension