gui package

The GUI Package contains the entire code base for Faceswap’s optional GUI. The GUI itself is largely self-generated from the command line options specified in lib.cli.args.

analysis package

stats module

Package Summary


Class that performs calculations on the GlobalSession raw data for the given session id.


Holds information about a loaded or current training session by accessing a model's state file and Tensorboard logs.


Performs top level summary calculations for each session ID within the loaded or currently training Session for display in the Analysis tree view.


Parse data from TensorBoard logs.

stats Module

Stats functions for the GUI.

Holds the globally loaded training session. This will either be a user selected session (loaded in the analysis tab) or the currently training session.

class lib.gui.analysis.stats.Calculations(session_id, display: str = 'loss', loss_keys: list[str] | str = 'loss', selections: list[str] | str = 'raw', avg_samples: int = 500, smooth_amount: float = 0.9, flatten_outliers: bool = False)

Bases: object

Class that performs calculations on the GlobalSession raw data for the given session id.

  • session_id (int or None) – The session id number for the selected session from the Analysis tab. Should be None if all sessions are being calculated

  • display ({"loss", "rate"}, optional) – Whether to display a graph for loss or training rate. Default: “loss”

  • loss_keys (list, optional) – The list of loss keys to display on the graph. Default: [“loss”]

  • selections (list, optional) – The selected annotations to display. Default: [“raw”]

  • avg_samples (int, optional) – The number of samples to use for performing moving average calculation. Default: 500.

  • smooth_amount (float, optional) – The amount of smoothing to apply for performing smoothing calculation. Default: 0.9.

  • flatten_outliers (bool, optional) – True if values significantly away from the average should be excluded, otherwise False. Default: False

property iterations: int

The number of iterations in the data set.



refresh() Calculations | None

Refresh the stats

set_iterations_limit(limit: int) None

Set the number of iterations to display in the calculations.

If a value greater than 0 is passed, then the latest iterations up to the given limit will be calculated.


limit (int) – The number of iterations to calculate data for. 0 to calculate for all data

set_smooth_amount(amount: float) None

Set the amount of smoothing to apply to smoothed graph.


amount (float) – The amount of smoothing to apply to smoothed graph

property start_iteration: int

The starting iteration number of a limit has been set on the amount of data.



property stats: dict[str, numpy.ndarray]

The final calculated statistics



update_selections(selection: str, option: bool) None

Update the type of selected data.

  • selection (str) – The selection to update (as can exist in _selections)

  • option (bool) – True if the selection should be included, False if it should be removed

class lib.gui.analysis.stats.GlobalSession

Bases: object

Holds information about a loaded or current training session by accessing a model’s state file and Tensorboard logs. This class should not be accessed directly, rather through lib.gui.analysis.Session

property batch_sizes: dict[int, int]

The batch sizes for each session_id for the model.



clear() None

Clear the currently loaded session.

property full_summary: list[dict]

List of dictionaries containing summary statistics for each session id.



get_loss(session_id: int | None) dict[str, numpy.ndarray]

Obtain the loss values for the given session_id.


session_id (int or None) – The session ID to return loss for. Pass None to return loss for all sessions.


Loss names as key, numpy.ndarray as value. If No session ID was provided all session’s losses are collated

Return type:


get_loss_keys(session_id: int | None) list[str]

Obtain the loss keys for the given session_id.


session_id (int or None) – The session ID to return the loss keys for. Pass None to return loss keys for all sessions.


The loss keys for the given session. If None is passed as session_id then a unique list of all loss keys for all sessions is returned

Return type:


get_timestamps(session_id: None) dict[int, numpy.ndarray]
get_timestamps(session_id: int) ndarray

Obtain the time stamps keys for the given session_id.


session_id (int or None) – The session ID to return the time stamps for. Pass None to return time stamps for all sessions.


If a session ID has been given then a single numpy.ndarray will be returned with the session’s time stamps. Otherwise a ‘dict’ will be returned with the session IDs as key with numpy.ndarray of timestamps as values

Return type:

dict[int] or numpy.ndarray

initialize_session(model_folder: str, model_name: str, is_training: bool = False) None

Initialize a Session.

Load’s the model’s state file, and sets the paths to any underlying Tensorboard logs, ready for access on request.

  • model_folder (str,) – If loading a session manually (e.g. for the analysis tab), then the path to the model folder must be provided. For training sessions, this should be passed through from the launcher

  • model_name (str, optional) – If loading a session manually (e.g. for the analysis tab), then the model filename must be provided. For training sessions, this should be passed through from the launcher

  • is_training (bool, optional) – True if the session is being initialized for a training session, otherwise False. Default: False

property is_loaded: bool

True if session data is loaded otherwise False



property is_training: bool

True if the loaded session is the currently training model, otherwise False



property logging_disabled: bool

True if logging is enabled for the currently training session otherwise False.



property model_filename: str

The full model filename



property session_ids: list[int]

The sorted list of all existing session ids in the state file



stop_training() None

Clears the internal training flag. To be called when training completes.

class lib.gui.analysis.stats.SessionsSummary(session: GlobalSession)

Bases: object

Performs top level summary calculations for each session ID within the loaded or currently training Session for display in the Analysis tree view.


session (GlobalSession) – The loaded or currently training session

get_summary_stats() list[dict]

Compile the individual session statistics and calculate the total.

Format the stats for display


A list of summary statistics dictionaries containing the Session ID, start time, end time, elapsed time, rate, batch size and number of iterations for each session id within the loaded data as well as the totals.

Return type:


event_reader Module

Handles the loading and collation of events from Tensorflow event log files.

class lib.gui.analysis.event_reader.EventData(timestamp: float = 0.0, loss: list[float] = <factory>)

Bases: object

Holds data collected from Tensorflow Event Files

  • timestamp (float) – The timestamp of the event step (iteration)

  • loss (list[float]) – The loss values collected for A and B sides for the event step

loss: list[float]
timestamp: float = 0.0
class lib.gui.analysis.event_reader.TensorBoardLogs(logs_folder: str, is_training: bool)

Bases: object

Parse data from TensorBoard logs.

Process the input logs folder and stores the individual filenames per session.

Caches timestamp and loss data on request and returns this data from the cache.

  • logs_folder (str) – The folder that contains the Tensorboard log files

  • is_training (bool) – True if the events are being read whilst Faceswap is training otherwise False

get_loss(session_id: int | None = None) dict[int, dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]

Read the loss from the TensorBoard event logs


session_id (int, optional) – The Session ID to return the loss for. Set to None to return all session losses. Default None


The session id(s) as key, with a further dictionary as value containing the loss name and list of loss values for each step

Return type:


get_timestamps(session_id: int | None = None) dict[int, numpy.ndarray]

Read the timestamps from the TensorBoard logs.

As loss timestamps are slightly different for each loss, we collect the timestamp from the batch_loss key.


session_id (int, optional) – The Session ID to return the timestamps for. Set to None to return all session timestamps. Default None


The session id(s) as key with list of timestamps per step as value

Return type:


property session_ids: list[int]

Sorted list of integers of available session ids.



set_training(is_training: bool) None

Set the internal training flag to the given is_training value.

If a new training session is being instigated, refresh the log filenames


is_training (bool) – True to indicate that the logs to be read are from the currently training session otherwise False

custom_widgets module

Module Summary


The Console out section of the GUI.


A Pop up menu to be triggered when right clicking on widgets that this menu has been applied to.


Similar to the standard ttk.Radio widget, but with the ability to select multiple pre-defined options.


A Pop up menu that can be bound to a right click mouse event to bring up a context menu


Status Bar for displaying the Status Message and Progress Bar at the bottom of the GUI.


Create a tooltip for a given widget as the mouse goes on it.


Custom widgets for Faceswap GUI

class lib.gui.custom_widgets.ConsoleOut(parent, debug)

Bases: Frame

The Console out section of the GUI.

A Read only text box for displaying the output from stdout/stderr.

All handling is internal to this method. To clear the console, the stored tkinter variable in tk_vars console_clear should be triggered.

  • parent (tkinter object) – The Console’s parent widget

  • debug (bool) – True if console output should not be directed to this widget otherwise False

class lib.gui.custom_widgets.ContextMenu(widget)

Bases: Menu

A Pop up menu to be triggered when right clicking on widgets that this menu has been applied to.

This widget provides a simple right click pop up menu to the widget passed in with Cut, Copy, Paste and Select all menu items.


widget (tkinter object) – The widget to apply the ContextMenu to


>>> text_box = ttk.Entry(parent)
>>> text_box.pack()
>>> right_click_menu = ContextMenu(text_box)
>>> right_click_menu.cm_bind()

Bind the menu to the given widgets Right Click event

After associating a widget with this ContextMenu this function should be called to bind it to the right click button

class lib.gui.custom_widgets.MultiOption(parent, value, variable, **kwargs)

Bases: Checkbutton

Similar to the standard ttk.Radio widget, but with the ability to select multiple pre-defined options. Selected options are generated as nargs for the argument parser to consume.

  • parent (ttk.Frame) – The tkinter parent widget for the check button

  • value (str) – The raw option value for this check button

  • variable (tkinter.StingVar) – The master variable for the group of check buttons that this check button will belong to. The output of this variable will be a string containing a space separated list of the selected check button options

class lib.gui.custom_widgets.PopupProgress(title, total)

Bases: Toplevel

A simple pop up progress bar that appears of the center of the root window.

When this is called, the root will be disabled until the close() method is called.

  • title (str) – The title to appear above the progress bar

  • total (int or float) – The total count of items for the progress bar


>>> total = 100
>>> progress = PopupProgress("My title...", total)
>>> for i in range(total):
>>>     progress.update(1)
>>> progress.close()
property progress_bar

The progress bar object within the pop up window.




Increment the progress bar.


amount (int or float) – The amount to increment the progress bar by


Stop the progress bar, re-enable the root window and destroy the pop up window.


Update the title that displays above the progress bar.


title (str) – The title to appear above the progress bar

class lib.gui.custom_widgets.RightClickMenu(labels, actions, hotkeys=None)

Bases: Menu

A Pop up menu that can be bound to a right click mouse event to bring up a context menu

  • labels (list) – A list of label titles that will appear in the right click menu

  • actions (list) – A list of python functions that are called when the corresponding label is clicked on

  • hotkeys (list, optional) – The hotkeys corresponding to the labels. If using hotkeys, then there must be an entry in the list for every label even if they don’t all use hotkeys. Labels without a hotkey can be an empty string or None. Passing None instead of a list means that no actions will be given hotkeys. NB: The hotkey is not bound by this class, that needs to be done in code. Giving hotkeys here means that they will be displayed in the menu though. Default: None


Pop up the right click menu.


event (class:tkinter.Event) – The tkinter mouse event calling this popup

class lib.gui.custom_widgets.StatusBar(parent: Frame, hide_status: bool = False)

Bases: Frame

Status Bar for displaying the Status Message and Progress Bar at the bottom of the GUI.

  • parent (tkinter object) – The parent tkinter widget that will hold the status bar

  • hide_status (bool, optional) – True to hide the status message that appears at the far left hand side of the status frame otherwise False. Default: False

property message: StringVar

The variable to hold the status bar message on the left hand side of the status bar.



progress_update(message: str, position: int, update_position: bool = True) None

Update the GUIs progress bar and position.

  • message (str) – The message to display next to the progress bar

  • position (int) – The position that the progress bar should be set to

  • update_position (bool, optional) – If True then the progress bar will be updated to the position given in position. If False the progress bar will not be updates. Default: True

set_mode(mode: Literal['indeterminate', 'determinate']) None

Set the mode of a currently displayed progress bar and reset position to 0.

If the given mode is the same as the currently configured mode, returns without performing any action.


mode (["indeterminate", "determinate"]) – The mode that the progress bar should be set to

start(mode: Literal['indeterminate', 'determinate']) None

Set progress bar mode and display,


mode (["indeterminate", "determinate"]) – The mode that the progress bar should be executed in

stop() None

Reset progress bar and hide

class lib.gui.custom_widgets.ToggledFrame(parent, *args, text='', theme='CPanel', toggle_var=None, **kwargs)

Bases: Frame

A collapsible and expandable frame.

The frame contains a header given in the text argument, and adds an expand contract button. Clicking on the header will expand and contract the sub-frame below

  • text (str) – The text to appear in the Toggle Frame header

  • theme (str, optional) – The theme to use for the panel header. Default: “CPanel”

  • subframe_style (str, optional) – The name of the ttk Style to use for the sub frame. Default: None

  • toggle_var (tk.BooleanVar, optional) – If provided, this variable will control the expanded (True) and minimized (False) state of the widget. Set to None to create the variable internally. Default: None

property is_expanded

True if the Toggle Frame is expanded. False if it is minimized.



class lib.gui.custom_widgets.Tooltip(widget, *, pad=(5, 3, 5, 3), text='widget info', text_variable=None, wait_time=400, wrap_length=250)

Bases: object

Create a tooltip for a given widget as the mouse goes on it.

  • widget (tkinter object) – The widget to apply the tool-tip to

  • pad (tuple, optional) – (left, top, right, bottom) padding for the tool-tip. Default: (5, 3, 5, 3)

  • text (str, optional) – The text to be displayed in the tool-tip. Default: ‘widget info’

  • text_variable (tkinter.strVar, optional) – The text variable to use for dynamic help text. Appended after the contents of text if provided. Default: None

  • wait_time (int, optional) – The time in milliseconds to wait before showing the tool-tip. Default: 400

  • wrap_length (int, optional) – The text length for each line before wrapping. Default: 250


>>> button = ttk.Button(parent, text="Exit")
>>> Tooltip(button, text="Click to exit")
>>> button.pack()


Adapted from StackOverflow: and

display module

Display Frame of the Faceswap GUI

This is the large right hand area of the GUI. At default, the Analysis tab is always displayed here. Further optional tabs will also be displayed depending on the currently executing Faceswap task.

class lib.gui.display.DisplayNotebook(parent)

Bases: Notebook

The tkinter Notebook that holds the display items.


parent (tk.PanedWindow) – The paned window that holds the Display Notebook

property running_task

The global tkinter variable that indicates whether a Faceswap task is currently running or not.



display_analysis module

Module Summary


Session Analysis Tab.


Stats frame of analysis tab.


Analysis tab of Display Frame of the Faceswap GUI

class lib.gui.display_analysis.Analysis(parent, tab_name, helptext)

Bases: DisplayPage

Session Analysis Tab.

The area of the GUI that holds the session summary stats for model training sessions.

  • parent (lib.gui.display.DisplayNotebook) – The ttk.Notebook that holds this session summary statistics page

  • tab_name (str) – The name of the tab to be displayed in the notebook

  • helptext (str) – The help text to display for the summary statistics page


Callback for when the analysis tab is selected.

If Faceswap is currently training a model, then update the statistics with the latest values.


Set the analysis specific tkinter variables to vars.

The tracked variables are the global variables that:
  • Trigger when a graph refresh has been requested.

  • Trigger training is commenced or halted

  • The variable holding the location of the current Tensorboard log folder.


The dictionary of variable names to tkinter variables

Return type:


class lib.gui.display_analysis.StatsData(parent, selected_id, helptext)

Bases: Frame

Stats frame of analysis tab.

Holds the tree-view containing the summarized session statistics in the Analysis tab.

  • parent (tkinter.Frame) – The frame within the Analysis Notebook that will hold the statistics

  • selected_id (tkinter.IntVar) – The tkinter variable that holds the currently selected session ID

  • helptext (str) – The help text to display for the summary statistics page


Clear all of the summary data from the tree-view.


Insert the summary data into the statistics tree-view.


sessions_summary (list) – List of session summary dicts for populating into the tree-view

display_command module

Command specific tabs of Display Frame of the Faceswap GUI

class lib.gui.display_command.GraphDisplay(parent: Notebook, tab_name: str, helptext: str, wait_time: int, command: str | None = None)

Bases: DisplayOptionalPage

The Graph Tab of the Display section

add_child(name: str, data: Calculations) None

Add the graph for the selected keys.

  • name (str) – The name of the graph to add to the notebook

  • data (Calculations) – The object holding the data to be graphed

add_options() None

Add the additional options

close() None

Clear the plots from RAM

display_item_process() None

Add a single graph to the graph window

display_item_set() None

Load the graph(s) if available

on_tab_select() None

Callback for when the graph tab is selected.

Pull latest data and run the tab’s update code when the tab is selected.

save_items() None

Open save dialogue and save graphs

set_vars() None

Add graphing specific variables to the default variables.

Overrides original method.


The variable names with their corresponding tkinter variable

Return type:


class lib.gui.display_command.PreviewExtract(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: DisplayOptionalPage

Tab to display output preview images for extract and convert

add_child() None

Add the preview label child

display_item_process() None

Display the preview

display_item_set() None

Load the latest preview if available

save_items() None

Open save dialogue and save preview

update_child() None

Update the preview image on the label

class lib.gui.display_command.PreviewTrain(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: DisplayOptionalPage

Training preview image(s)

add_options() None

Add the additional options

display_item_process() None

Display the preview(s) resized as appropriate

display_item_set() None

Load the latest preview if available

save_items() None

Open save dialogue and save preview

subnotebook_hide() None

Override default subnotebook hide action to also remove the embedded option bar control and reset the training image buffer

display_graph module

Graph functions for Display Frame area of the Faceswap GUI

class lib.gui.display_graph.GraphBase(parent: Frame, data, ylabel: str)

Bases: Frame

Base class for matplotlib line graphs.

  • parent (tkinter.ttk.Frame) – The parent frame that holds the graph

  • data (lib.gui.analysis.stats.Calculations) – The statistics class that holds the data to be displayed

  • ylabel (str) – The data label for the y-axis

property calcs

lib.gui.analysis.stats.Calculations. The calculated statistics associated with this graph.

clear() None

Clear the graph plots from RAM

class lib.gui.display_graph.NavigationToolbar(canvas: FigureCanvasTkAgg, window: Frame, *, pack_toolbar: bool = True)

Bases: NavigationToolbar2Tk

Overrides the default Navigation Toolbar to provide only the buttons we require and to layout the items in a consistent manner with the rest of the GUI for the Analysis Session Graph pop up Window.

  • canvas (matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg.FigureCanvasTkAgg) – The canvas that holds the displayed graph and will hold the toolbar

  • window (SessionGraph) – The Session Graph canvas

  • pack_toolbar (bool, Optional) – Whether to pack the Tool bar or not. Default: True

toolitems = [('Home', 'Reset original view', 'home', 'home'), ('Pan', 'Left button pans, Right button zooms\nx/y fixes axis, CTRL fixes aspect', 'move', 'pan'), ('Zoom', 'Zoom to rectangle\nx/y fixes axis', 'zoom_to_rect', 'zoom'), ('Save', 'Save the figure', 'filesave', 'save_figure')]
class lib.gui.display_graph.SessionGraph(parent: Frame, data, ylabel: str, scale: str)

Bases: GraphBase

Session Graph for session pop-up.

  • parent (tkinter.ttk.Frame) – The parent frame that holds the graph

  • data (lib.gui.analysis.stats.Calculations) – The statistics class that holds the data to be displayed

  • ylabel (str) – The data label for the y-axis

  • scale (str) – Should be one of "log" or "linear"

build() None

Build the session graph

refresh(data, ylabel: str, scale: str) None

Refresh the Session Graph’s data.

  • data (lib.gui.analysis.stats.Calculations) – The statistics class that holds the data to be displayed

  • ylabel (str) – The data label for the y-axis

  • scale (str) – Should be one of "log" or "linear"

set_yscale_type(scale: str) None

Set the scale type for the y-axis and redraw.


scale (str) – Should be one of "log" or "linear"

class lib.gui.display_graph.TrainingGraph(parent: Frame, data, ylabel: str)

Bases: GraphBase

Live graph to be displayed during training.

  • parent (tkinter.ttk.Frame) – The parent frame that holds the graph

  • data (lib.gui.analysis.stats.Calculations) – The statistics class that holds the data to be displayed

  • ylabel (str) – The data label for the y-axis

build() None

Build the Training graph.

refresh(*args) None

Read the latest loss data and apply to current graph

save_fig(location: str) None

Save the current graph to file


location (str) – The full path to the folder where the current graph should be saved

menu module

The Menu Bars for faceswap GUI

class MainMenuBar)

Bases: Menu

File menu items and functions


parent (tkinter.Menu) – The main menu bar to hold this menu item

class MainMenuBar)

Bases: Menu

Help menu items and functions


parent (tkinter.Menu) – The main menu bar to hold this menu item

class FaceswapGui)

Bases: Menu

GUI Main Menu Bar


master (tkinter.Tk) – The root tkinter object

class MainMenuBar)

Bases: Menu

Settings menu items and functions


parent (tkinter.Menu) – The main menu bar to hold this menu item

class Frame)

Bases: Frame

Task bar buttons


parent (tkinter.ttk.Frame) – The frame that holds the task bar

options module

Cli Options for the GUI

class lib.gui.options.CliOption(cpanel_option: ControlPanelOption, opts: tuple[str, ...], nargs: Literal['+'] | None)

Bases: object

A parsed command line option

  • cpanel_option (ControlPanelOption:) – Object to hold information of a command line item for displaying in a GUI ControlPanel

  • opts (tuple[str, ...]:) – The short switch and long name (if exists) of the command line option

  • nargs (Literal["+"] | None:) – None for not used. “+” for at least 1 argument required with values to be contained in a list

cpanel_option: ControlPanelOption

Object to hold information of a command line item for displaying in a GUI ControlPanel



nargs: Literal['+'] | None

None for not used. “+” for at least 1 argument required with values to be contained in a list


Literal[“+”] | None

opts: tuple[str, ...]

The short switch and long name (if exists) of cli option


tuple[str, …]

class lib.gui.options.CliOptions

Bases: object

Class and methods for the command line options

property categories: tuple[Literal['faceswap', 'tools'], ...]

tuple[str, str] The categories for faceswap’s GUI

clear(command: str | None = None) None

Clear the options values for all or passed commands


command (str | None, optional) – The command to clear the options for. None to clear options for all commands. Default: None

property commands: dict[Literal['faceswap', 'tools'], list[str]]

dict[str, ]

gen_cli_arguments(command: str) Generator[tuple[str, ...], None, None]

Yield the generated cli arguments for the selected command


command (str) – The command to generate the command line arguments for


tuple[str, …] – The generated command line arguments

get_one_option_variable(command: str, title: str) Variable | None

Return a single tkinter.Variable tk_var for the specified command and control_title

  • command (str) – The command to return the variable from

  • title (str) – The option title to return the variable for


The requested tkinter variable, or None if it could not be found

Return type:

tkinter.Variable | None

get_option_values(command: str | None = None) dict[str, dict[str, bool | int | float | str]]

Return all or single command control titles with the associated tk_var value


command (str | None, optional) – The command to get the option values for. None to get all option values. Default: None


option values in the format {command: {option_name: option_value}}

Return type:

dict[str, dict[str, bool | int | float | str]]

property opts: dict[str, dict[str, lib.gui.options.CliOption | str]]

dict[str, dict[str, CliOption | str]] The command line options collected from faceswap’s cli files

reset(command: str | None = None) None

Reset the options for all or passed command back to default value


command (str | None, optional) – The command to reset the options for. None to reset for all commands. Default: None

popup_configure module

The pop-up window of the Faceswap GUI for the setting of configuration options.

class lib.gui.popup_configure.DisplayArea(top_level, parent, configurations, tree, theme)

Bases: Frame

The option configuration area of the pop up options.

  • top_level (:class:tk.Toplevel) – The tkinter Top Level widget

  • parent (tkinter.ttk.Frame) – The parent frame that holds the Display Area of the pop up configuration window

  • tree (tkinter.ttk.TreeView) – The Tree View navigator for the pop up configuration window

  • configurations (dict) – Dictionary containing the FaceswapConfig object for each configuration section for the requested pop-up window

  • theme (dict) – The color mapping for the settings pop-up theme

property config_dict

The configuration dictionary for all display pages.



property displayed_key

The current display page’s lookup key for configuration options.




Reset all configuration options to their default values.


page_only (bool, optional) – True resets just the currently selected page’s options to default, False resets all plugins within the currently selected config to default. Default: False


Save the configuration file to disk.


page_only (bool, optional) – True saves just the currently selected page’s options, False saves all the plugins options within the currently selected config. Default: False

select_options(section, subsections)

Display the page for the given section and subsections.

  • section (str) – The main section to be navigated to (or root node)

  • subsections (list) – The full list of subsections ending on the required node


Launch the popup, ensuring only one instance is ever open


name (str, Optional) – The name of the configuration file. Used for selecting the correct section if required. Set to None if no initial section should be selected. Default: None

popup_session module

Pop-up Graph launched from the Analysis tab of the Faceswap GUI

class lib.gui.popup_session.SessionPopUp(session_id: int, data_points: int)

Bases: Toplevel

Pop up for detailed graph/stats for selected session.

session_id: int or “Total”

The session id number for the selected session from the Analysis tab. Should be the string “Total” if all sessions are being graphed

data_points: int

The number of iterations in the selected session

class lib.gui.popup_session.SessionTKVars(buildgraph: ~tkinter.BooleanVar, status: ~tkinter.StringVar, display: ~tkinter.StringVar, scale: ~tkinter.StringVar, raw: ~tkinter.BooleanVar, trend: ~tkinter.BooleanVar, avg: ~tkinter.BooleanVar, smoothed: ~tkinter.BooleanVar, outliers: ~tkinter.BooleanVar, avgiterations: ~tkinter.IntVar, smoothamount: ~tkinter.DoubleVar, loss_keys: dict[str, tkinter.BooleanVar] = <factory>)

Bases: object

Dataclass for holding the tk variables required for the session popup

  • buildgraph (tkinter.BooleanVar) – Trigger variable to indicate the graph should be rebuilt

  • status (tkinter.StringVar) – The variable holding the current status of the popup window

  • display (tkinter.StringVar) – Variable indicating the type of information to be displayed

  • scale (tkinter.StringVar) – Variable indicating whether to display as log or linear data

  • raw (tkinter.BooleanVar) – Variable to indicate raw data should be displayed

  • trend (tkinter.BooleanVar) – Variable to indicate that trend data should be displayed

  • avg (tkinter.BooleanVar) – Variable to indicate that rolling average data should be displayed

  • smoothed (tkinter.BooleanVar) – Variable to indicate that smoothed data should be displayed

  • outliers (tkinter.BooleanVar) – Variable to indicate that outliers should be displayed

  • loss_keys (dict) – Dictionary of names to tkinter.BooleanVar indicating whether specific loss items should be displayed

  • avgiterations (tkinter.IntVar) – The number of iterations to use for rolling average

  • smoothamount (tkinter.DoubleVar) – The amount of smoothing to apply for smoothed data

avg: BooleanVar
avgiterations: IntVar
buildgraph: BooleanVar
display: StringVar
loss_keys: dict[str, tkinter.BooleanVar]
outliers: BooleanVar
raw: BooleanVar
scale: StringVar
smoothamount: DoubleVar
smoothed: BooleanVar
status: StringVar
trend: BooleanVar

project module

Module Summary


Faceswap Last Session handling.


Faceswap .fsw Project File handling.


Faceswap .fst Task File handling.


Handling of Faceswap GUI Projects, Tasks and Last Session

class lib.gui.project.LastSession(config)

Bases: _GuiSession

Faceswap Last Session handling.

Faceswap LastSession handles saving the state of the Faceswap GUI at close and reloading the state at launch.

Last Session behavior can be configured in config.gui.ini.


config (lib.gui.utils.Config) – The master GUI config


Pop a message box to ask the user if they wish to load their last session.


Set the _options property based on the given options dictionary and update the GUI to use these values.

This function is required for reloading the GUI state when the GUI has been force refreshed on a config change.


options (dict) – The options to set. Should be the output of to_dict()


Load the last session.

Loads the last saved session options. Checks if a previous project was loaded and whether there have been changes since the last saved version of the project. Sets the display and Project and Task objects accordingly.


Save a snapshot of currently set GUI config options.

Called on Faceswap shutdown.


Collect the current GUI options and place them in a dict for retrieval or storage.

This function is required for reloading the GUI state when the GUI has been force refreshed on a config change.



Return type:

The current cli options ready for saving or retrieval by from_dict()

class lib.gui.project.Project(config, file_handler)

Bases: _GuiSession

Faceswap .fsw Project File handling.

Faceswap projects handle the management of all task tabs in the GUI and updates the main Faceswap title bar with the project name and modified state.

  • config (lib.gui.utils.Config) – The master GUI config

  • file_handler (lib.gui.utils.FileHandler) – A file handler object

property cli_options

the raw cli options from _options with project fields removed.




Clear the current project and set all options to default.


*args (tuple) – Unused, but needs to be present for arguments passed by tkinter event handling


Pop a message box to get confirmation that an unsaved project should be closed



Return type:

True if user confirms close, False if user cancels close

property filename

The currently active project filename.



load(*args, filename=None, last_session=False)

Load a project from a saved .fsw project file.

  • *args (tuple) – Unused, but needs to be present for arguments passed by tkinter event handling

  • filename (str, optional) – If a filename is passed in, This will be used, otherwise a file handler will be launched to select the relevant file.

  • last_session (bool, optional) – True if the project is being loaded from the last opened session False if the project is being loaded directly from disk. Default: False


Create a new project with default options.

Pops a file handler to select location.


*args (tuple) – Unused, but needs to be present for arguments passed by tkinter event handling


Reset all GUI’s option tabs to their last saved state.


*args (tuple) – Unused, but needs to be present for arguments passed by tkinter event handling

save(*args, save_as=False)

Save the current GUI state to a .fsw project file.

  • *args (tuple) – Unused, but needs to be present for arguments passed by tkinter event handling

  • save_as (bool, optional) – Whether to save to the stored filename, or pop open a file handler to ask for a location. If there is no stored filename, then a file handler will automatically be popped.


Set the default options. The Default GUI options are stored on Faceswap startup.

Exposed as the _default_options for a project cannot be set until after the main Command Tabs have been loaded.


Adds a callback to each of the _modified_vars tkinter variables When one of these variables is changed, triggers _modified_callback() with the command that was changed.

This is exposed as the callback can only be added after the main Command Tabs have been drawn, and their options’ initial values have been set.

class lib.gui.project.Tasks(config, file_handler)

Bases: _GuiSession

Faceswap .fst Task File handling.

Faceswap tasks handle the management of each individual task tab in the GUI. Unlike Projects, Tasks contains all the active tasks currently running, rather than an individual task.

  • config (lib.gui.utils.Config) – The master GUI config

  • file_handler (lib.gui.utils.FileHandler) – A file handler object

add_project_task(filename, command, options)

Add an individual task from a loaded Project to the internal _tasks dict.

Project tasks take priority over any other tasks, so the individual tasks from a new project must be placed in the _tasks dict.

  • filename (str) – The filename of the session project file

  • command (str) – The tab that this task’s options belong to

  • options (dict) – The options for this task loaded from the project


Reset all GUI options to their default values for the active tab.


Clears all of the stored tasks.

This is required when loading a task stored in a legacy project file, and is only to be called by Project when a project has been loaded which is in fact a task.

load(*args, filename=None, current_tab=True)

Load a task into this Tasks class.

Tasks can be loaded from project .fsw files or task .fst files, depending on where this function is being called from.

  • *args (tuple) – Unused, but needs to be present for arguments passed by tkinter event handling

  • filename (str, optional) – If a filename is passed in, This will be used, otherwise a file handler will be launched to select the relevant file.

  • current_tab (bool, optional) – True if the task to be loaded must be for the currently selected tab. False if loading a task into any tab. If current_tab is True then tasks can be loaded from .fsw and .fst files, otherwise they can only be loaded from .fst files. Default: True


Reset currently selected tab GUI options to their last saved state.


Save the current GUI state for the active tab to a .fst faceswap task file.


save_as (bool, optional) – Whether to save to the stored filename, or pop open a file handler to ask for a location. If there is no stored filename, then a file handler will automatically be popped.

theme module


functions for implementing themes in Faceswap’s GUI

class lib.gui.theme.Style(default_font, root, path_cache)

Bases: object

Set the overarching theme and customize widgets.

  • default_font (tuple) – The name and size of the default font

  • root (tkinter.Tk) – The root tkinter object

  • path_cache (str) – The path to the GUI’s cache

property user_theme

The currently selected user theme.



utils package

Package Summary


The centralized configuration class for holding items that should be made available to all parts of the GUI.


Initialize the GUI Master Config and add to global constant.


Get the Master GUI configuration.


Handles all GUI File Dialog actions and tasks.


The centralized image repository for holding all icons and images required by the GUI.


Get the Master GUI Images handler.


Initialize the Images handler and add to global constant.


Runs long running tasks in a background thread to prevent the GUI from becoming unresponsive.

config Module

Global configuration optiopns for the Faceswap GUI

class lib.gui.utils.config.Config(root: tk.Tk, cli_opts: CliOptions | None, statusbar: StatusBar | None)

Bases: object

The centralized configuration class for holding items that should be made available to all parts of the GUI.

This class should be initialized on GUI startup through initialize_config(). Any further access to this class should be through get_config().

  • root (tkinter.Tk) – The root Tkinter object

  • cli_opts (lib.gui.options.CliOptions or None) – The command line options object. Must be provided for main GUI. Must be None for tools

  • statusbar (lib.gui.custom_widgets.StatusBar or None) – The GUI Status bar. Must be provided for main GUI. Must be None for tools

property cli_opts: CliOptions

The command line options for this GUI Session.



property command_notebook: CommandNotebook | None

The main Faceswap Command Notebook.



property default_font: tuple[str, int]

The selected font as configured in user settings. First item is the font (str) second item the font size (int).



property default_options: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]

The default options for all tabs



property modified_vars: dict[str, tkinter.BooleanVar]

The command notebook modified tkinter variables.



property pathcache: str

The path to the GUI cache folder



property project: Project

The project session handler.



refresh_config() None

Reload the user config from file.

property root: Tk

The root tkinter window.



property scaling_factor: float

The scaling factor for current display.



set_active_tab_by_name(name: str) None

Sets the command_notebook or tools_notebook to active based on given name.


name (str) – The name of the tab to set active

set_command_notebook(notebook: CommandNotebook) None

Set the command notebook to the command_notebook attribute and enable the modified callback for project.


notebook (lib.gui.command.CommandNotebook) – The main command notebook for the Faceswap GUI

set_cursor_busy(widget: Widget | None = None) None

Set the root or widget cursor to busy.


widget (tkinter object, optional) – The widget to set busy cursor for. If the provided value is None then sets the cursor busy for the whole of the GUI. Default: None.

set_cursor_default(widget: Widget | None = None) None

Set the root or widget cursor to default.


widget (tkinter object, optional) – The widget to set default cursor for. If the provided value is None then sets the cursor busy for the whole of the GUI. Default: None

set_default_options() None

Set the default options for lib.gui.projects

The Default GUI options are stored on Faceswap startup.

Exposed as the _default_opts for a project cannot be set until after the main Command Tabs have been loaded.

set_geometry(width: int, height: int, fullscreen: bool = False) None

Set the geometry for the root tkinter object.

  • width (int) – The width to set the window to (prior to scaling)

  • height (int) – The height to set the window to (prior to scaling)

  • fullscreen (bool, optional) – Whether to set the window to full-screen mode. If True then width and height are ignored. Default: False

set_modified_true(command: str) None

Set the modified variable to True for the given command in modified_vars.


command (str) – The command to set the modified state to True

set_root_title(text: str | None = None) None

Set the main title text for Faceswap.

The title will always begin with ‘’. Additional text can be appended.


text (str, optional) – Additional text to be appended to the GUI title bar. Default: None

property statusbar: StatusBar

The GUI StatusBar tkinter.ttk.Frame.



property tasks: Tasks

The session tasks handler.



property tk_vars: GlobalVariables

The global tkinter variables.



property tools_notebook: ToolsNotebook

The Faceswap Tools sub-Notebook.



property user_config: Config

The GUI config in dict form.



property user_config_dict: dict[str, Any]

The GUI config in dict form.



property user_theme: dict[str, Any]

The GUI theme selection options.



class lib.gui.utils.config.GlobalVariables

Bases: object

Global tkinter variables accessible from all parts of the GUI. Should only be accessed from get_config().tk_vars

property action_command: StringVar

The command line action to perform



property analysis_folder: StringVar

Full path the analysis folder



property console_clear: BooleanVar

True if the console should be cleared otherwise False



property display: StringVar

The current Faceswap command running



property generate_command: StringVar

The command line action to generate



property is_training: BooleanVar

True if Faceswap is currently training otherwise False



property refresh_graph: BooleanVar

True if the training graph should be refreshed otherwise False



property running_task: BooleanVar

True if a Faceswap task is running otherwise False



lib.gui.utils.config.get_config() Config

Get the Master GUI configuration.


The Master GUI Config

Return type:


lib.gui.utils.config.initialize_config(root: tk.Tk, cli_opts: CliOptions | None, statusbar: StatusBar | None) Config | None

Initialize the GUI Master Config and add to global constant.

This should only be called once on first GUI startup. Future access to Config should only be executed through get_config().

  • root (tkinter.Tk) – The root Tkinter object

  • cli_opts (lib.gui.options.CliOptions or None) – The command line options object. Must be provided for main GUI. Must be None for tools

  • statusbar (lib.gui.custom_widgets.StatusBar or None) – The GUI Status bar. Must be provided for main GUI. Must be None for tools


None if the config has already been initialized otherwise the global configuration options

Return type:

Config or None

file_handler Module

File browser utility functions for the Faceswap GUI.

class lib.gui.utils.file_handler.FileHandler(handle_type: Literal['open', 'save', 'filename', 'filename_multi', 'save_filename', 'context', 'dir'], file_type: Literal['default', 'alignments', 'config_project', 'config_task', 'config_all', 'csv', 'image', 'ini', 'state', 'log', 'video'] | None, title: str | None = None, initial_folder: str | None = None, initial_file: str | None = None, command: str | None = None, action: str | None = None, variable: str | None = None, parent: Frame | None = None)

Bases: object

Handles all GUI File Dialog actions and tasks.

  • handle_type (['open', 'save', 'filename', 'filename_multi', 'save_filename', 'context', 'dir']) – The type of file dialog to return. open and save will perform the open and save actions and return the file. filename returns the filename from an open dialog. filename_multi allows for multi-selection of files and returns a list of files selected. save_filename returns the filename from a save as dialog. context is a context sensitive parameter that returns a certain dialog based on the current options. dir asks for a folder location.

  • file_type ([‘default’, ‘alignments’, ‘config_project’, ‘config_task’, ‘config_all’, ‘csv’, ‘image’, ‘ini’, ‘state’, ‘log’, ‘video’] or None) – The type of file that this dialog is for. default allows selection of any files. Other options limit the file type selection

  • title (str, optional) – The title to display on the file dialog. If None then the default title will be used. Default: None

  • initial_folder (str, optional) – The folder to initially open with the file dialog. If None then tkinter will decide. Default: None

  • initial_file (str, optional) – The filename to set with the file dialog. If None then tkinter no initial filename is. specified. Default: None

  • command (str, optional) – Required for context handling file dialog, otherwise unused. Default: None

  • action (str, optional) – Required for context handling file dialog, otherwise unused. Default: None

  • variable (str, optional) – Required for context handling file dialog, otherwise unused. The variable to associate with this file dialog. Default: None

  • parent (tkinter.Frame, optional) – The parent that is launching the file dialog. None sets this to root. Default: None


The return value from the file dialog


str or object


>>> handler = FileHandler('filename', 'video', title='Select a video...')
>>> video_file = handler.return_file
>>> print(video_file)

image Module

Utilities for handling images in the Faceswap GUI

class lib.gui.utils.image.Images

Bases: object

The centralized image repository for holding all icons and images required by the GUI.

This class should be initialized on GUI startup through initialize_images(). Any further access to this class should be through get_images().

delete_preview() None

Delete the preview files in the cache folder and reset the image cache.

Should be called when terminating tasks, or when Faceswap starts up or shuts down.

property icons: dict[str, PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage]

The faceswap icons for all parts of the GUI. The dictionary key is the icon name (str) the value is the icon sized and formatted for display (PIL.ImageTK.PhotoImage).


>>> icons = get_images().icons
>>> save = icons["save"]
>>> button = ttk.Button(parent, image=save)
>>> button.pack()


property preview_extract: PreviewExtract

PreviewTrain The object handling the training preview images

property preview_train: PreviewTrain

PreviewTrain The object handling the training preview images

class lib.gui.utils.image.PreviewExtract(cache_path: str)

Bases: object

Handles the loading of preview images for extract and convert


cache_path (str) – Full path to the cache folder that contains the preview images

delete_previews() None

Remove any image preview files

property image: PhotoImage

PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage The preview image for displaying in a tkinter canvas

load_latest_preview(thumbnail_size: int, frame_dims: tuple[int, int]) bool

Load the latest preview image for extract and convert.

Retrieves the latest preview images from the faceswap output folder, resizes to thumbnails and lays out for display. Places the images into preview_image for loading into the display panel.

  • thumbnail_size (int) – The size of each thumbnail that should be created

  • frame_dims (tuple) – The (width (int), height (int)) of the display panel that will display the preview


True if a preview was succesfully loaded otherwise False

Return type:


save(filename: str) None

Save the currently displaying preview image to the given location


filename (str) – The full path to the filename to save the preview image to

set_faceswap_output_path(location: str, batch_mode: bool = False) None

Set the path that will contain the output from an Extract or Convert task.

Required so that the GUI can fetch output images to display for return in preview_image.

  • location (str) – The output location that has been specified for an Extract or Convert task

  • batch_mode (bool) – True if extracting in batch mode otherwise False

class lib.gui.utils.image.PreviewTrain(cache_path: str)

Bases: object

Handles the loading of the training preview image(s) and adding to the display buffer


cache_path (str) – Full path to the cache folder that contains the preview images

property buffer: PreviewBuffer

PreviewBuffer The preview buffer for the training preview image.

load() bool

Load the latest training preview image(s) from disk and add to buffer

reset() None

Reset the preview buffer when the display page has been disabled.


The buffer requires resetting, otherwise the re-enabled preview window hangs waiting for a training image that has already been marked as processed

class lib.gui.utils.image.PreviewTrigger

Bases: object

Triggers to indicate to underlying Faceswap process that the preview image should be updated.

Writes a file to the cache folder that is picked up by the main process.

clear(trigger_type: Literal['update', 'mask_toggle'] | None = None) None

Remove the trigger file from the cache folder.


trigger_type ([“update”, “mask_toggle”, None], optional) – The trigger to clear. ‘update’: Full preview update. ‘mask_toggle’: toggle mask on and off. None - clear all triggers. Default: None

set(trigger_type: Literal['update', 'mask_toggle'])

Place the trigger file into the cache folder


trigger_type (["update", "mask_toggle"]) – The type of action to trigger. ‘update’: Full preview update. ‘mask_toggle’: toggle mask on and off

lib.gui.utils.image.get_images() Images

Get the Master GUI Images handler.


The Master GUI Images handler

Return type:


lib.gui.utils.image.initialize_images() None

Initialize the Images handler and add to global constant.

This should only be called once on first GUI startup. Future access to Images handler should only be executed through get_images().

lib.gui.utils.image.preview_trigger() PreviewTrigger

Set the global preview trigger if it has not already been set and return.


The trigger to indicate to the main faceswap process that it should perform a training preview update

Return type:


misc Module

Miscellaneous Utility functions for the GUI. Includes LongRunningTask object

class lib.gui.utils.misc.LongRunningTask(target: Callable | None = None, name: str | None = None, args: tuple = (), kwargs: dict[str, T.Any] | None = None, *, daemon: bool = True, widget=None)

Bases: Thread

Runs long running tasks in a background thread to prevent the GUI from becoming unresponsive.

This is sub-classed from Threading.Thread so check documentation there for base parameters. Additional parameters listed below.


widget (tkinter object, optional) – The widget that this LongRunningTask is associated with. Used for setting the busy cursor in the correct location. Default: None.

property complete: Event

Event is set if the thread has completed its task, otherwise it is unset.



get_result() Any

Return the result from the given task.


The result of the thread will depend on the given task. If a call is made to get_result() prior to the thread completing its task then None will be returned

Return type:


run() None

Commence the given task in a background thread.

wrapper module


Process wrapper for underlying faceswap commands for the GUI

class lib.gui.wrapper.FaceswapControl(wrapper: ProcessWrapper)

Bases: object

Control the underlying Faceswap tasks.

wrapper: ProcessWrapper

The object responsible for managing this faceswap task

property command: str | None

The currently executing command, when process running or None


str | None

execute_script(command: str, args: list[str]) None

Execute the requested Faceswap Script

  • command (str) – The faceswap command that is to be run

  • args (list[str]) – The full command line arguments to be executed

terminate() None

Terminate the running process in a LongRunningTask so console can still be updated console

class lib.gui.wrapper.ProcessWrapper

Bases: object

Builds command, launches and terminates the underlying faceswap process. Updates GUI display depending on state

property task: FaceswapControl

The object that controls the underlying faceswap process



terminate(message: str) None

Finalize wrapper when process has exited. Stops the progress bar, sets the status message. If the terminating task is ‘train’, then triggers the training close down actions


message (str) – The message to display in the status bar