extract package

The Extract Package handles the various plugins available for extracting face sets in Faceswap.

extract_media module

Object for holding and manipulating media passing through a faceswap extraction pipeline

class plugins.extract.extract_media.ExtractMedia(filename: str, image: np.ndarray, detected_faces: list[DetectedFace] | None = None, is_aligned: bool = False)

Bases: object

An object that passes through the Extractor pipeline.

  • filename (str) – The base name of the original frame’s filename

  • image (numpy.ndarray) – The original frame or a faceswap aligned face image

  • detected_faces (list, optional) – A list of DetectedFace objects. Detected faces can be added later with add_detected_faces(). Setting None will default to an empty list. Default: None

  • is_aligned (bool, optional) – True if the image is an aligned faceswap image otherwise False. Used for face filtering with vggface2. Aligned faceswap images will automatically skip detection, alignment and masking. Default: False

add_detected_faces(faces: list[DetectedFace]) None

Add detected faces to the object. Called at the end of each extraction phase.


faces (list) – A list of DetectedFace objects

add_frame_metadata(metadata: PNGHeaderSourceDict) None

Add the source frame metadata from an aligned PNG’s header data.

metadata: dict

The contents of the ‘source’ field in the PNG header

add_sub_folders(folders: list[str | None]) None

Add detected faces to the object. Called at the end of each extraction phase.


folders (list) – A list of str sub folder names or None if no sub folder is required. Should correspond to the detected faces list

property detected_faces: list[DetectedFace]

A list of DetectedFace objects in the image.



property filename: str

The base name of the image filename.



property frame_metadata: PNGHeaderSourceDict

The frame metadata that has been added from an aligned image. This property should only be called after add_frame_metadata() has been called when processing an aligned face. For all other instances an assertion error will be raised.


AssertionError – If frame metadata has not been populated from an aligned image



get_image_copy(color_format: T.Literal['BGR', 'RGB', 'GRAY']) np.ndarray

Get a copy of the image in the requested color format.


color_format (['BGR', 'RGB', 'GRAY']) – The requested color format of image


A copy of image in the requested color_format

Return type:


property image: np.ndarray

The source frame for this object.



property image_shape: tuple[int, int, int]

The shape of the stored image.



property image_size: tuple[int, int]

The (height, width) of the stored image.



property is_aligned: bool

bool. True if image is an aligned faceswap image otherwise False

remove_image() None

Delete the image and reset image to None.

Required for multi-phase extraction to avoid the frames stacking RAM.

set_image(image: np.ndarray) None

Add the image back into image

Required for multi-phase extraction adds the image back to this object.


image (numpy.ndarry) – The original frame to be re-applied to for this filename

property sub_folders: list[str | None]

The sub_folders that the faces should be output to. Used when binning filter output is enabled. The list corresponds to the list of detected faces



pipeline module

Return a requested detector/aligner/masker pipeline

Tensorflow does not like to release GPU VRAM, so parallel plugins need to be managed to work together.

This module sets up a pipeline for the extraction workflow, loading detect, align and mask plugins either in parallel or in series, giving easy access to input and output.

class plugins.extract.pipeline.Extractor(detector: str | None, aligner: str | None, masker: str | list[str] | None, recognition: str | None = None, configfile: str | None = None, multiprocess: bool = False, exclude_gpus: list[int] | None = None, rotate_images: str | None = None, min_size: int = 0, normalize_method: Literal['none', 'clahe', 'hist', 'mean'] | None = None, re_feed: int = 0, re_align: bool = False, disable_filter: bool = False)

Bases: object

Creates a detect/align`/ mask pipeline and yields results frame by frame from the detected_faces generator

input_queue is dynamically set depending on the current phase of extraction

  • detector (str or None) – The name of a detector plugin as exists in plugins.extract.detect

  • aligner (str or None) – The name of an aligner plugin as exists in plugins.extract.align

  • masker (str or list or None) – The name of a masker plugin(s) as exists in plugins.extract.mask. This can be a single masker or a list of multiple maskers

  • recognition (str or None) – The name of the recognition plugin to use. None to not do face recognition. Default: None

  • configfile (str, optional) – The path to a custom extract.ini configfile. If None then the system config/extract.ini file will be used.

  • multiprocess (bool, optional) – Whether to attempt processing the plugins in parallel. This may get overridden internally depending on the plugin combination. Default: False

  • exclude_gpus (list, optional) – A list of indices correlating to connected GPUs that Tensorflow should not use. Pass None to not exclude any GPUs. Default: None

  • rotate_images (str, optional) – Used to set the plugins.extract.detect.rotation attribute. Pass in a single number to use increments of that size up to 360, or pass in a list of ints to enumerate exactly what angles to check. Can also pass in 'on' to increment at 90 degree intervals. Default: None

  • min_size (int, optional) – Used to set the plugins.extract.detect.min_size attribute. Filters out faces detected below this size. Length, in pixels across the diagonal of the bounding box. Set to 0 for off. Default: 0

  • normalize_method ({None, ‘clahe’, ‘hist’, ‘mean’}, optional) – Used to set the plugins.extract.align.normalize_method attribute. Normalize the images fed to the aligner.Default: None

  • re_feed (int) – The number of times to re-feed a slightly adjusted bounding box into the aligner. Default: 0

  • re_align (bool, optional) – True to obtain landmarks by passing the initially aligned face back through the aligner. Default False

  • disable_filter (bool, optional) – Disable all aligner filters regardless of config option. Default: False


The current phase that the pipeline is running. Used in conjunction with passes and final_pass to indicate to the caller which phase is being processed



property aligner: Aligner

The currently selected aligner plugin

detected_faces() Generator[ExtractMedia, None, None]

Generator that returns results, frame by frame from the extraction pipeline

This is the exit point for the extraction pipeline and is used to obtain the output of any pipeline phase


faces (ExtractMedia) – The populated extracted media object.


>>> for extract_media in extractor.detected_faces():
>>>     filename = extract_media.filename
>>>     image = extract_media.image
>>>     detected_faces = extract_media.detected_faces
property final_pass: bool

bool, Return True if this is the final extractor pass otherwise False

Useful for iterating over the pipeline passes or detected_faces() and handling accordingly.


>>> for face in extractor.detected_faces():
>>>     if extractor.final_pass:
>>>         <do final processing>
>>>     else:
>>>         extract_media.set_image(image)
>>>         <do intermediate processing>
>>>         extractor.input_queue.put(extract_media)
import_data(input_location: str) None

Import json data to the detector and/or aligner if ‘import’ plugin has been selected


input_location (str) – Full path to the input location for the extract process

property input_queue: EventQueue

Return the correct input queue depending on the current phase

The input queue is the entry point into the extraction pipeline. An ExtractMedia object should be put to the queue.

For detect/single phase operations the ExtractMedia.filename and image attributes should be populated.

For align/mask (2nd/3rd pass operations) the ExtractMedia.detected_faces should also be populated by calling ExtractMedia.set_detected_faces().



launch() None

Launches the plugin(s)

This launches the plugins held in the pipeline, and should be called at the beginning of each phase. To ensure VRAM is conserved, It will only launch the plugin(s) required for the currently running phase


>>> for phase in extractor.passes:
>>>     extractor.launch():
>>>         <do processing>
property passes: int

Returns the total number of passes the extractor needs to make.

This is calculated on several factors (vram available, plugin choice, multiprocess etc.). It is useful for iterating over the pipeline and handling accordingly.


>>> for phase in extractor.passes:
>>>     if phase == 1:
>>>         extract_media = ExtractMedia("path/to/image/file", image)
>>>         extractor.input_queue.put(extract_media)
>>>     else:
>>>         extract_media.set_image(image)
>>>         extractor.input_queue.put(extract_media)


property phase_text: str

The plugins that are running in the current phase, formatted for info text output.



property recognition: Identity

The currently selected recognition plugin

reset_phase_index() None

Reset the current phase index back to 0. Used for when batch processing is used in extract.

set_batchsize(plugin_type: Literal['align', 'detect'], batchsize: int) None

Set the batch size of a given plugin_type to the given batchsize.

This should be set prior to launch() if the batch size is to be manually overridden

  • plugin_type ({'align', 'detect'}) – The plugin_type to be overridden

  • batchsize (int) – The batch size to use for this plugin type

_base module

Base class for Faceswap detect, align and mask Plugins

class plugins.extract._base.Extractor(git_model_id: int | None = None, model_filename: str | list[str] | None = None, exclude_gpus: list[int] | None = None, configfile: str | None = None, instance: int = 0)

Bases: object

Extractor Plugin Object

All _base classes for Aligners, Detectors and Maskers inherit from this class.

This class sets up a pipeline for working with ML plugins.

Plugins are split into 3 threads, to utilize Numpy and CV2s parallel processing, as well as allow the predict function of the model to sit in a dedicated thread. A plugin is expected to have 3 core functions, each in their own thread: - process_input() - Prepare the data for feeding into a model - predict() - Feed the data through the model - process_output() - Perform any data post-processing

  • git_model_id (int) – The second digit in the github tag that identifies this model. See https://github.com/deepfakes-models/faceswap-models for more information

  • model_filename (str) – The name of the model file to be loaded

  • exclude_gpus (list, optional) – A list of indices correlating to connected GPUs that Tensorflow should not use. Pass None to not exclude any GPUs. Default: None

  • configfile (str, optional) – Path to a custom configuration ini file. Default: Use system configfile

  • instance (int, optional) – If this plugin is being executed multiple times (i.e. multiple pipelines have been launched), the instance of the plugin must be passed in for naming convention reasons. Default: 0

The following attributes should be set in the plugin’s __init__() method after initializing the parent.


Name of this plugin. Used for display purposes.




The input size to the model in pixels across one edge. The input size should always be square.




Color format for model. Must be 'BGR', 'RGB' or 'GRAY'. Defaults to 'BGR' if not explicitly set.




Approximate VRAM used by the model at input_size. Used to calculate the batchsize. Be conservative to avoid OOM.




Approximate VRAM used by the model at input_size that will still run, but generates warnings. Used to calculate the batchsize. Be conservative to avoid OOM.




Approximate additional VRAM used by the model for each additional batch. Used to calculate the batchsize. Be conservative to avoid OOM.



See also


Detector parent class for extraction plugins.


Aligner parent class for extraction plugins.


Masker parent class for extraction plugins.


The extract pipeline that configures and calls all plugins


Batchsize for feeding this model. The number of images the model should feed through at once.



check_and_raise_error() None

Check all threads for errors

Exposed for pipeline to check plugin’s threads for errors


Config for this plugin, loaded from extract.ini configfile



finalize(batch: BatchType) Generator[ExtractMedia, None, None]

Override method (at <plugin_type> level)

This method should be overridden at the <plugin_type> level (IE. plugins.extract.detect._base, plugins.extract.align._base or plugins.extract.mask._base) and should not be overridden within plugins themselves.

Handles consistent finalization for all plugins that exist within that plugin type. Its input is always the output from process_output()


batch (ExtractorBatch) – Contains the batch that is currently being passed through the plugin process

get_batch(queue: Queue) tuple[bool, BatchType]

Override method (at <plugin_type> level)

This method should be overridden at the <plugin_type> level (IE. plugins.extract.detect._base, plugins.extract.align._base or plugins.extract.mask._base) and should not be overridden within plugins themselves.

Get ExtractMedia items from the queue in batches of batchsize


queue (queue.Queue()) – The queue that the batch will be fed from. This will be the input to the plugin.

init_model() None

Override method

Override this method to execute the specific model initialization method

initialize(*args, **kwargs) None

Initialize the extractor plugin

Should be called from pipeline

join() None

Join all threads

Exposed for pipeline to join plugin’s threads

model: KSession | cv2.dnn.Net | None

The model for this plugin. Set in the plugin’s init_model() method




Path to the model file(s) (if required). Multiple model files should be a list of strings


str or list

on_completion() None

Override to perform an action when the extract process has completed. By default, no action is undertaken

predict(feed: ndarray) ndarray

Override method

Override this method for specific extractor model prediction function


feed (numpy.ndarray) – The feed images for the batch


Input for predict() should have been set in process_input()

Output from the model should populate the key prediction of the batch.

For Detect:

the expected output for the prediction of the batch should be a list of batchsize of detected face points. These points should be either a list, tuple or numpy.ndarray with the first 4 items being the left, top, right, bottom points, in that order

process_input(batch: BatchType) None

Override method

Override this method for specific extractor pre-processing of image


batch (ExtractorBatch) – Contains the batch that is currently being passed through the plugin process

process_output(batch: BatchType) None

Override method

Override this method for specific extractor model post predict function


batch (ExtractorBatch) – Contains the batch that is currently being passed through the plugin process


For Align:

The landmarks must be populated in batch from this method. This should be a list or numpy.ndarray of batchsize containing a list, tuple or numpy.ndarray of (x, y) coordinates of the 68 point landmarks as calculated from the model.


Queue size for all internal queues. Set in initialize()



rollover_collector(queue: Queue) T.Literal['EOF'] | ExtractMedia

For extractors after the Detectors, the number of detected faces per frame vs extractor batch size mean that faces will need to be split/re-joined with frames. The rollover collector can be used to rollover items that don’t fit in a batch.

Collect the item from the _rollover dict or from the queue. Add face count per frame to self._faces_per_filename for joining batches back up in finalize


queue (queue.Queue) – The input queue to the aligner. Should contain ExtractMedia objects


The next extract media object, or EOF if pipe has ended

Return type:

ExtractMedia or EOF

start() None

Start all threads

Exposed for pipeline to start plugin’s threads

class plugins.extract._base.ExtractorBatch(image: list[np.ndarray] = <factory>, detected_faces: Sequence[DetectedFace | list[DetectedFace]] = <factory>, filename: list[str] = <factory>, feed: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), prediction: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), data: list[dict[str, T.Any]] = <factory>)

Bases: object

Dataclass for holding a batch flowing through post Detector plugins.

The batch size for post Detector plugins is not the same as the overall batch size. An image may contain 0 or more detected faces, and these need to be split and recombined to be able to utilize a plugin’s internal batch size.

Plugin types will inherit from this class and add required keys.

  • image (list) – List of numpy.ndarray containing the original frames

  • detected_faces (list) – List of DetectedFace objects

  • filename (list) – List of original frame filenames for the batch

  • feed (numpy.ndarray) – Batch of feed images to feed the net with

  • prediction (numpy.nd.array) – Batch of predictions. Direct output from the aligner net

  • data (dict) – Any specific data required during the processing phase for a particular plugin

data: list[dict[str, T.Any]]
detected_faces: Sequence[DetectedFace | list[DetectedFace]]
feed: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64)
filename: list[str]
image: list[np.ndarray]
prediction: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64)

align plugins package

align._base.aligner module

Base class for Face Aligner plugins

All Aligner Plugins should inherit from this class. See the override methods for which methods are required.

The plugin will receive a ExtractMedia object.

For each source item, the plugin must pass a dict to finalize containing:

>>> {"filename": [<filename of source frame>],
>>>  "landmarks": [list of 68 point face landmarks]
>>>  "detected_faces": [<list of DetectedFace objects>]}
class plugins.extract.align._base.aligner.Aligner(git_model_id: int | None = None, model_filename: str | None = None, configfile: str | None = None, instance: int = 0, normalize_method: Literal['none', 'clahe', 'hist', 'mean'] | None = None, re_feed: int = 0, re_align: bool = False, disable_filter: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: Extractor

Aligner plugin _base Object

All Aligner plugins must inherit from this class

  • git_model_id (int) – The second digit in the github tag that identifies this model. See https://github.com/deepfakes-models/faceswap-models for more information

  • model_filename (str) – The name of the model file to be loaded

  • normalize_method ({None, ‘clahe’, ‘hist’, ‘mean’}, optional) – Normalize the images fed to the aligner. Default: None

  • re_feed (int, optional) – The number of times to re-feed a slightly adjusted bounding box into the aligner. Default: 0

  • re_align (bool, optional) – True to obtain landmarks by passing the initially aligned face back through the aligner. Default False

  • disable_filter (bool, optional) – Disable all aligner filters regardless of config option. Default: False

  • configfile (str, optional) – Path to a custom configuration ini file. Default: Use system configfile

See also


The extraction pipeline for calling plugins


Aligner plugins


Parent class for all extraction plugins


Detector parent class for extraction plugins.


Masker parent class for extraction plugins.

faces_to_feed(faces: ndarray) ndarray

Overide for specific plugin processing to convert a batch of face images from UINT8 (0-255) into the correct format for the plugin’s inference


faces (numpy.ndarray) – The batch of faces in UINT8 format


class – The batch of faces in the format to feed through the plugin

Return type:


finalize(batch: BatchType) Generator[ExtractMedia, None, None]

Finalize the output from Aligner

This should be called as the final task of each plugin.

Pairs the detected faces back up with their original frame before yielding each frame.


batch (AlignerBatch) – The final batch item from the plugin process.


ExtractMedia – The DetectedFaces list will be populated for this class with the bounding boxes and landmarks for the detected faces found in the frame.

get_batch(queue: Queue) tuple[bool, AlignerBatch]

Get items for inputting into the aligner from the queue in batches

Items are returned from the queue in batches of batchsize

Items are received as ExtractMedia objects and converted to dict for internal processing.

To ensure consistent batch sizes for aligner the items are split into separate items for each DetectedFace object.

Remember to put 'EOF' to the out queue after processing the final batch

Outputs items in the following format. All lists are of length batchsize:

>>> {'filename': [<filenames of source frames>],
>>>  'image': [<source images>],
>>>  'detected_faces': [[<lib.align.DetectedFace objects]]}

queue (queue.Queue()) – The queue that the plugin will be fed from.


  • exhausted, boolTrue if queue is exhausted, False if not

  • batch, ExtractorBatch – The batch object for the current batch

initialize(*args, **kwargs) None

Add a call to add model input size to the re-aligner

on_completion() None

Output the filter counts when process has completed

set_normalize_method(method: Literal['none', 'clahe', 'hist', 'mean'] | None) None

Set the normalization method for feeding faces into the aligner.


method ({"none", "clahe", "hist", "mean"}) – The normalization method to apply to faces prior to feeding into the model

class plugins.extract.align._base.aligner.AlignerBatch(image: list[np.ndarray] = <factory>, detected_faces: list[DetectedFace] = <factory>, filename: list[str] = <factory>, feed: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), prediction: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), data: list[dict[str, T.Any]] = <factory>, batch_id: int = 0, landmarks: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), refeeds: list[np.ndarray] = <factory>, second_pass: bool = False, second_pass_masks: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64))

Bases: ExtractorBatch

Dataclass for holding items flowing through the aligner.

Inherits from ExtractorBatch

  • batch_id (int) – A unique integer for tracking this batch

  • landmarks (list) – List of 68 point numpy.ndarray landmark points returned from the aligner

  • refeeds (list) – List of numpy.ndarrays for holding each of the feeds that will be put through the model for each refeed

  • second_pass (bool, optional) – True if this batch is passing through the aligner for a second time as re-align has been selected otherwise False. Default: False

  • second_pass_masks (numpy.ndarray, optional) – The masks used to filter out re-feed values for passing to the re-aligner.

batch_id: int = 0
detected_faces: list[DetectedFace]
landmarks: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64)
refeeds: list[np.ndarray]
second_pass: bool = False
second_pass_masks: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64)

align._base.processing module

Processing methods for aligner plugins

class plugins.extract.align._base.processing.AlignedFilter(feature_filter: bool, min_scale: float, max_scale: float, distance: float, roll: float, save_output: bool, disable: bool = False)

Bases: object

Applies filters on the output of the aligner

  • feature_filter (bool) – True to enable filter to check relative position of eyes/eyebrows and mouth. False to disable.

  • min_scale (float) – Filters out faces that have been aligned at below this value as a multiplier of the minimum frame dimension. Set to 0 for off.

  • max_scale (float) – Filters out faces that have been aligned at above this value as a multiplier of the minimum frame dimension. Set to 0 for off.

  • distance (float) – Filters out faces that are further than this distance from an “average” face. Set to 0 for off.

  • roll (float) – Filters out faces with a roll value outside of 0 +/- the value given here. Set to 0 for off.

  • save_output (bool) – True if the filtered faces should be kept as they are being saved. False if they should be deleted

  • disable (bool, Optional) – True to disable the filter regardless of config options. Default: False

filtered_mask(batch: AlignerBatch, skip: np.ndarray | list[int] | None = None) np.ndarray

Obtain a list of boolean values for the given batch indicating whether they pass the filter test.

  • batch (AlignerBatch) – The batch of face to obtain masks for

  • skip (list or numpy.ndarray, optional) – List or 1D numpy array of indices indicating faces that have already been filter masked and so should not be filtered again. Values in these index positions will be returned as True


Boolean mask array corresponding to any of the input DetectedFace objects that passed a test. False the face passed the test. True it failed

Return type:



Output the counts of filtered items

class plugins.extract.align._base.processing.ReAlign(active: bool, do_refeeds: bool, do_filter: bool)

Bases: object

Holds data and methods for 2nd pass re-aligns

  • active (bool) – True if re-alignment has been requested otherwise False

  • do_refeeds (bool) – True if re-feeds should be re-aligned, False if just the final output of the re-feeds should be aligned

  • do_filter (bool) – True if aligner filtered out faces should not be re-aligned. False if all faces should be re-aligned

property active: bool

True if re_aligns have been selected otherwise False



add_batch(batch: AlignerBatch) None

Add first pass alignments to the queue for picking up for re-alignment, update their second_pass attribute to True and clear attributes not required.


batch (AlignerBatch) – aligner batch to perform re-alignment on

property do_filter: bool

True if re-aligning is active and faces which failed the aligner filter test should not be re-aligned otherwise False



property do_refeeds: bool

True if re-aligning is active and re-aligning re-feeds has been selected otherwise False



get_batch() AlignerBatch

Retrieve the next batch currently queued for re-alignment


The next AlignerBatch for re-alignment

Return type:


property items_queued: bool

True if re-align is active and items are queued for a 2nd pass otherwise False



property items_tracked: bool

True if items exist in the tracker so still need to be processed



process_batch(batch: AlignerBatch) list[np.ndarray]

Pre process a batch object for re-aligning through the aligner.


batch (AlignerBatch) – aligner batch to perform pre-processing on


List of UINT8 aligned faces batch for each selected refeed

Return type:


process_output(subbatches: list[AlignerBatch], batch_masks: np.ndarray) None

Process the output from the re-align pass.

  • Transform landmarks from aligned face space to face space

  • Re-insert faces that were filtered out from the re-align process back into the landmarks list

  • subbatches (list) – List of sub-batch results for each re-aligned re-feed performed

  • batch_masks (numpy.ndarray) – The original re-feed filter masks from the first pass

set_input_size_and_centering(input_size: int, centering: CenteringType) None

Set the input size of the loaded plugin once the model has been loaded

  • input_size (int) – The input size, in pixels, of the aligner plugin

  • centering (["face", "head" or "legacy"]) – The centering to align the image at for re-aligning

track_batch(batch_id: int) None

Add newly seen batch id from the aligner to the batch tracker, so that we can keep track of whether there are still batches to be processed when the aligner hits ‘EOF’


batch_id (int) – The batch id to add to batch tracking

untrack_batch(batch_id: int) None

Remove the tracked batch from the tracker once the batch has been fully processed


batch_id (int) – The batch id to remove from batch tracking

align.cv2_dnn module

CV2 DNN landmarks extractor for faceswap.py Adapted from: https://github.com/yinguobing/cnn-facial-landmark MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Yin Guobing

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


class plugins.extract.align.cv2_dnn.Align(**kwargs)

Bases: Aligner

Perform transformation to align and get landmarks

align_image(batch: AlignerBatch) tuple[list[numpy.ndarray], list[list[int]], list[tuple[int, int]]]

Align the incoming image for prediction


batch (AlignerBatch) – The current batch to align the input for


  • faces (list) – List of feed faces for the aligner

  • rois (list) – List of roi’s for the faces

  • offsets (list) – List of offsets for the faces

faces_to_feed(faces: ndarray) ndarray

Convert a batch of face images from UINT8 (0-255) to fp32 (0.0-255.0)


faces (numpy.ndarray) – The batch of faces in UINT8 format


class – The batch of faces as fp32

Return type:


get_pts_from_predict(batch: AlignerBatch)

Get points from predictor and populates the landmarks property


batch (AlignerBatch) – The current batch from the model with predictions populated

static get_square_box(box: list[int]) list[int]

Get a square box out of the given box, by expanding it.


box (list) – The (left, top, right, bottom) box positions


The original box but made square

Return type:


init_model() None

Initialize CV2 DNN Detector Model

classmethod move_box(box: list[int], offset: tuple[int, int]) list[int]

Move the box to direction specified by vector offset

  • box (list) – The (left, top, right, bottom) box positions

  • offset (tuple) – (x, y) offset to move the box


The original box shifted by the offset

Return type:


classmethod pad_image(box: list[int], image: ndarray) tuple[numpy.ndarray, tuple[int, int]]

Pad image if face-box falls outside of boundaries

  • box (list) – The (left, top, right, bottom) roi box positions

  • image (numpy.ndarray) – The image to be padded


The padded image

Return type:


predict(feed: ndarray) ndarray

Predict the 68 point landmarks


feed (numpy.ndarray) – The batch to feed into the aligner


The predictions from the aligner

Return type:


process_input(batch: BatchType) None

Compile the detected faces for prediction


batch (AlignerBatch) – The current batch to process input for


The batch item with the feed populated and any required data added

Return type:


process_output(batch: BatchType) None

Process the output from the model


batch (AlignerBatch) – The current batch from the model with predictions populated

align.fan module

Facial landmarks extractor for faceswap.py Code adapted and modified from: https://github.com/1adrianb/face-alignment

class plugins.extract.align.fan.Align(**kwargs)

Bases: Aligner

Perform transformation to align and get landmarks

crop(batch: AlignerBatch, center_scale: ndarray) list[numpy.ndarray]

Crop image around the center point

  • batch (AlignerBatch) – The current batch to crop the image for

  • center_scale (numpy.ndarray) – The center and scale for the bounding box


List of cropped images for the batch

Return type:


faces_to_feed(faces: ndarray) ndarray

Convert a batch of face images from UINT8 (0-255) to fp32 (0.0-1.0)


faces (numpy.ndarray) – The batch of faces in UINT8 format


class – The batch of faces as fp32 in 0.0 to 1.0 range

Return type:


get_center_scale(detected_faces: list[DetectedFace]) np.ndarray

Get the center and set scale of bounding box


detected_faces (list) – List of DetectedFace objects for the batch


The center and scale of the bounding box

Return type:


get_pts_from_predict(batch: AlignerBatch) None

Get points from predictor and populate the landmarks property of the AlignerBatch


batch (AlignerBatch) – The current batch from the model with predictions populated

init_model() None

Initialize FAN model

predict(feed: ndarray) ndarray

Predict the 68 point landmarks


batch (numpy.ndarray) – The batch to feed into the aligner


The predictions from the aligner

Return type:


process_input(batch: BatchType) None

Compile the detected faces for prediction


batch (AlignerBatch) – The current batch to process input for

process_output(batch: BatchType) None

Process the output from the model


batch (AlignerBatch) – The current batch from the model with predictions populated

classmethod transform(points: ndarray, center_scales: ndarray, resolutions: ndarray) ndarray

Transform Image

  • points (numpy.ndarray) – The points to transform

  • center_scales (numpy.ndarray) – The calculated centers and scales for the batch

  • resolutions (numpy.ndarray) – The resolutions

detect plugins package

detect._base module

Base class for Face Detector plugins

All Detector Plugins should inherit from this class. See the override methods for which methods are required.

The plugin will receive a ExtractMedia object.

For each source frame, the plugin must pass a dict to finalize containing:

>>> {'filename': <filename of source frame>,
>>>  'detected_faces': <list of DetectedFace objects containing bounding box points}}

To get a DetectedFace object use the function:

>>> face = self._to_detected_face(<face left>, <face top>, <face right>, <face bottom>)
class plugins.extract.detect._base.Detector(git_model_id: int | None = None, model_filename: str | list[str] | None = None, configfile: str | None = None, instance: int = 0, rotation: str | None = None, min_size: int = 0, **kwargs)

Bases: Extractor

Detector Object

Parent class for all Detector plugins

  • git_model_id (int) – The second digit in the github tag that identifies this model. See https://github.com/deepfakes-models/faceswap-models for more information

  • model_filename (str) – The name of the model file to be loaded

  • rotation (str, optional) – Pass in a single number to use increments of that size up to 360, or pass in a list of ints to enumerate exactly what angles to check. Can also pass in 'on' to increment at 90 degree intervals. Default: None

  • min_size (int, optional) – Filters out faces detected below this size. Length, in pixels across the diagonal of the bounding box. Set to 0 for off. Default: 0

  • configfile (str, optional) – Path to a custom configuration ini file. Default: Use system configfile

See also


The extraction pipeline for calling plugins


Detector plugins


Parent class for all extraction plugins


Aligner parent class for extraction plugins.


Masker parent class for extraction plugins.

finalize(batch: BatchType) Generator[ExtractMedia, None, None]

Finalize the output from Detector

This should be called as the final task of each plugin.


batch (ExtractorBatch) – The batch object for the current batch


ExtractMedia – The DetectedFaces list will be populated for this class with the bounding boxes for the detected faces found in the frame.

get_batch(queue: Queue) tuple[bool, DetectorBatch]

Get items for inputting to the detector plugin in batches

Items are received as ExtractMedia objects and converted to dict for internal processing.

Items are returned from the queue in batches of batchsize

Remember to put 'EOF' to the out queue after processing the final batch

Outputs items in the following format. All lists are of length batchsize:

>>> {'filename': [<filenames of source frames>],
>>>  'image': <numpy.ndarray of images standardized for prediction>,
>>>  'scale': [<scaling factors for each image>],
>>>  'pad': [<padding for each image>],
>>>  'detected_faces': [[<lib.align.DetectedFace objects]]}

queue (queue.Queue()) – The queue that the batch will be fed from. This will be a queue that loads images.


  • exhausted, boolTrue if queue is exhausted, False if not.

  • batch, ExtractorBatch – The batch object for the current batch

class plugins.extract.detect._base.DetectorBatch(image: list[numpy.ndarray] = <factory>, detected_faces: list[list['DetectedFace']] = <factory>, filename: list[str] = <factory>, feed: ~numpy.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), prediction: ~numpy.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), data: list[dict[str, typing.Any]] = <factory>, rotation_matrix: list[numpy.ndarray] = <factory>, scale: list[float] = <factory>, pad: list[tuple[int, int]] = <factory>, initial_feed: ~numpy.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64))

Bases: ExtractorBatch

Dataclass for holding items flowing through the aligner.

Inherits from ExtractorBatch

  • rotation_matrix (numpy.ndarray) – The rotation matrix for any requested rotations

  • scale (float) – The scaling factor to take the input image back to original size

  • pad (tuple) – The amount of padding to apply to the image to feed the network

  • initial_feed (numpy.ndarray) – Used to hold the initial feed when rotate images is enabled

detected_faces: list[list['DetectedFace']]
initial_feed: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64)
pad: list[tuple[int, int]]
rotation_matrix: list[np.ndarray]
scale: list[float]

detect.mtcnn module

MTCNN Face detection plugin

class plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn.Detect(**kwargs)

Bases: Detector

MTCNN detector for face recognition.

init_model() None

Initialize MTCNN Model.

predict(feed: ndarray) ndarray

Run model to get predictions


batch (DetectorBatch) – Contains the batch to pass through the MTCNN model


The batch with the predictions added to the dictionary

Return type:


process_input(batch: BatchType) None

Compile the detection image(s) for prediction


batch (DetectorBatch) – Contains the batch that is currently being passed through the plugin process

process_output(batch: BatchType) None

MTCNN performs no post processing so the original batch is returned


batch (DetectorBatch) – Contains the batch to apply postprocessing to

class plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn.MTCNN(model_path: list[str], allow_growth: bool, exclude_gpus: list[int] | None, cpu_mode: bool, input_size: int = 640, minsize: int = 20, threshold: list[float] | None = None, factor: float = 0.709)

Bases: object

MTCNN Detector for face alignment

  • model_path (list) – List of paths to the 3 MTCNN subnet weights

  • allow_growth (bool, optional) – Enable the Tensorflow GPU allow_growth configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM, but can lead to higher fragmentation and slower performance. Default: False

  • exclude_gpus (list, optional) – A list of indices correlating to connected GPUs that Tensorflow should not use. Pass None to not exclude any GPUs. Default: None

  • cpu_mode (bool, optional) – True run the model on CPU. Default: False

  • input_size (int, optional) – The height, width input size to the model. Default: 640

  • minsize (int, optional) – The minimum size of a face to accept as a detection. Default: 20

  • threshold (list, optional) – List of floats for the three steps, Default: [0.6, 0.7, 0.7]

  • factor (float, optional) – The factor used to create a scaling pyramid of face sizes to detect in the image. Default: 0.709

detect_faces(batch: ndarray) tuple[numpy.ndarray, tuple[numpy.ndarray]]

Detects faces in an image, and returns bounding boxes and points for them.


batch (numpy.ndarray) – The input batch of images to detect face in


list of numpy arrays containing the bounding box and 5 point landmarks of detected faces

Return type:


class plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn.ONet(model_path: str, allow_growth: bool, exclude_gpus: list[int] | None, cpu_mode: bool, input_size: int, threshold: float)

Bases: KSession

Keras O-Net model for MTCNN

  • model_path (str) – The path to the keras model file

  • allow_growth (bool, optional) – Enable the Tensorflow GPU allow_growth configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM, but can lead to higher fragmentation and slower performance. Default: False

  • exclude_gpus (list, optional) – A list of indices correlating to connected GPUs that Tensorflow should not use. Pass None to not exclude any GPUs. Default: None

  • cpu_mode (bool, optional) – True run the model on CPU. Default: False

  • input_size (int) – The input size of the model

  • threshold (list, optional) – Threshold for O-Net

static model_definition() tuple[list[Tensor], list[Tensor]]

Keras O-Network for MTCNN

class plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn.PNet(model_path: str, allow_growth: bool, exclude_gpus: list[int] | None, cpu_mode: bool, input_size: int, min_size: int, factor: float, threshold: float)

Bases: KSession

Keras P-Net model for MTCNN

  • model_path (str) – The path to the keras model file

  • allow_growth (bool, optional) – Enable the Tensorflow GPU allow_growth configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM, but can lead to higher fragmentation and slower performance. Default: False

  • exclude_gpus (list, optional) – A list of indices correlating to connected GPUs that Tensorflow should not use. Pass None to not exclude any GPUs. Default: None

  • cpu_mode (bool, optional) – True run the model on CPU. Default: False

  • input_size (int) – The input size of the model

  • minsize (int, optional) – The minimum size of a face to accept as a detection. Default: 20

  • threshold (list, optional) – Threshold for P-Net

static model_definition() tuple[list[Tensor], list[Tensor]]

Keras P-Network Definition for MTCNN

class plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn.RNet(model_path: str, allow_growth: bool, exclude_gpus: list[int] | None, cpu_mode: bool, input_size: int, threshold: float)

Bases: KSession

Keras R-Net model Definition for MTCNN

  • model_path (str) – The path to the keras model file

  • allow_growth (bool, optional) – Enable the Tensorflow GPU allow_growth configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM, but can lead to higher fragmentation and slower performance. Default: False

  • exclude_gpus (list, optional) – A list of indices correlating to connected GPUs that Tensorflow should not use. Pass None to not exclude any GPUs. Default: None

  • cpu_mode (bool, optional) – True run the model on CPU. Default: False

  • input_size (int) – The input size of the model

  • threshold (list, optional) – Threshold for R-Net

static model_definition() tuple[list[Tensor], list[Tensor]]

Keras R-Network Definition for MTCNN

plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn.nms(rectangles: ndarray, scores: ndarray, threshold: float, method: str = 'iom') tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

apply non-maximum suppression on ROIs in same scale(matrix version)

  • rectangles (np.ndarray) – The [b, l, t, r, b] bounding box detection candidates

  • threshold (float) – Threshold for succesful match

  • method (str, optional) – “iom” method or default. Defalt: “iom”


  • rectangles (np.ndarray) – The [b, l, t, r, b] bounding boxes

  • scores np.ndarray – The associated scores for the rectangles

plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn.rect2square(rectangles: ndarray) ndarray

change rectangles into squares (matrix version)


rectangles (numpy.ndarray) – [b, x, y, x1, y1] rectangles


Original rectangle changed to a square

Return type:


mask plugins package

mask._base module

Base class for Face Masker plugins

Plugins should inherit from this class

See the override methods for which methods are required.

The plugin will receive a ExtractMedia object.

For each source item, the plugin must pass a dict to finalize containing:

>>> {"filename": <filename of source frame>,
>>>  "detected_faces": <list of bounding box dicts from lib/plugins/extract/detect/_base>}
class plugins.extract.mask._base.Masker(git_model_id: int | None = None, model_filename: str | None = None, configfile: str | None = None, instance: int = 0, **kwargs)

Bases: Extractor

Masker plugin _base Object

All Masker plugins must inherit from this class

  • git_model_id (int) – The second digit in the github tag that identifies this model. See https://github.com/deepfakes-models/faceswap-models for more information

  • model_filename (str) – The name of the model file to be loaded

  • configfile (str, optional) – Path to a custom configuration ini file. Default: Use system configfile

See also


The extraction pipeline for calling plugins


Aligner plugins


Parent class for all extraction plugins


Detector parent class for extraction plugins.


Aligner parent class for extraction plugins.

finalize(batch: BatchType) Generator[ExtractMedia, None, None]

Finalize the output from Masker

This should be called as the final task of each plugin.

Pairs the detected faces back up with their original frame before yielding each frame.


batch (dict) – The final dict from the plugin process. It must contain the keys: detected_faces, filename, feed_faces, roi_masks


ExtractMedia – The DetectedFaces list will be populated for this class with the bounding boxes, landmarks and masks for the detected faces found in the frame.

get_batch(queue: Queue) tuple[bool, MaskerBatch]

Get items for inputting into the masker from the queue in batches

Items are returned from the queue in batches of batchsize

Items are received as ExtractMedia objects and converted to dict for internal processing.

To ensure consistent batch sizes for masker the items are split into separate items for each DetectedFace object.

Remember to put 'EOF' to the out queue after processing the final batch

Outputs items in the following format. All lists are of length batchsize:

>>> {'filename': [<filenames of source frames>],
>>>  'detected_faces': [[<lib.align.DetectedFace objects]]}

queue (queue.Queue()) – The queue that the plugin will be fed from.


  • exhausted, boolTrue if queue is exhausted, False if not

  • batch, ExtractorBatch – The batch object for the current batch

class plugins.extract.mask._base.MaskerBatch(image: list[np.ndarray] = <factory>, detected_faces: list[DetectedFace] = <factory>, filename: list[str] = <factory>, feed: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), prediction: np.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), data: list[dict[str, T.Any]] = <factory>, roi_masks: list[np.ndarray] = <factory>, feed_faces: list[AlignedFace] = <factory>)

Bases: ExtractorBatch

Dataclass for holding items flowing through the aligner.

Inherits from ExtractorBatch


roi_masks (list) – The region of interest masks for the batch

detected_faces: list[DetectedFace]
feed_faces: list[AlignedFace]
roi_masks: list[np.ndarray]

mask.bisenet_fp module

BiSeNet Face-Parsing mask plugin

Architecture and Pre-Trained Model ported from PyTorch to Keras by TorzDF from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch

class plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp.AttentionRefinementModule(filters: int)

Bases: object

The Attention Refinement block for BiSeNet Face Parsing


filters (int) – The dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution).

class plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp.BiSeNet(model_path: str, allow_growth: bool, exclude_gpus: list[int] | None, input_size: int, num_classes: int, cpu_mode: bool)

Bases: KSession

BiSeNet Face-Parsing Mask from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch

PyTorch model implemented in Keras by TorzDF

  • model_path (str) – The path to the keras model file

  • allow_growth (bool) – Enable the Tensorflow GPU allow_growth configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM, but can lead to higher fragmentation and slower performance

  • exclude_gpus (list) – A list of indices correlating to connected GPUs that Tensorflow should not use. Pass None to not exclude any GPUs

  • input_size (int) – The input size to the model

  • num_classes (int) – The number of segmentation classes to create

  • cpu_mode (bool, optional) – True run the model on CPU. Default: False

class plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp.BiSeNetOutput(filters: int, num_classes: int, label: str = '')

Bases: object

The BiSeNet Output block for Face Parsing

  • filters (int) – The dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution).

  • num_class (int) – The number of classes to generate

  • label – The label for this output (for naming). Default: “” (i.e. empty string, or no label)

  • str – The label for this output (for naming). Default: “” (i.e. empty string, or no label)

  • optional – The label for this output (for naming). Default: “” (i.e. empty string, or no label)

class plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp.ContextPath

Bases: object

The Context Path block for BiSeNet Face Parsing.

class plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp.ConvBn(filters: int, kernel_size: int = 3, strides: int = 1, padding: int = 1, activation: int = True, prefix: str = '', start_idx: int = 1)

Bases: object

Convolutional 3D with Batch Normalization block.

  • filters (int) – The dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution).

  • kernel_size (int, optional) – The height and width of the 2D convolution window. Default: 3

  • strides (int, optional) – The strides of the convolution along the height and width. Default: 1

  • padding (int, optional) – The amount of padding to apply prior to the first Convolutional Layer. Default: 1

  • activation (bool) – Whether to include ReLu Activation at the end of the block. Default: True

  • prefix (str, optional) – The prefix to name the layers within the block. Default: "" (empty string, i.e. no prefix)

  • start_idx (int, optional) – The starting index for naming the layers within the block. See _get_name() for more information. Default: 1

class plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp.FeatureFusionModule(filters: int)

Bases: object

The Feature Fusion block for BiSeNet Face Parsing


filters (int) – The dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution).

class plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp.Mask(**kwargs)

Bases: Masker

Neural network to process face image into a segmentation mask of the face

init_model() None

Initialize the BiSeNet Face Parsing model.

predict(feed: ndarray) ndarray

Run model to get predictions

process_input(batch: BatchType) None

Compile the detected faces for prediction

process_output(batch: BatchType) None

Compile found faces for output

class plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp.ResNet18

Bases: object

ResNet 18 block. Used at the start of BiSeNet Face Parsing.

recognition plugins package

recognition._base module

Base class for Face Recognition plugins

All Recognition Plugins should inherit from this class. See the override methods for which methods are required.

The plugin will receive a ExtractMedia object.

For each source frame, the plugin must pass a dict to finalize containing:

>>> {'filename': <filename of source frame>,
>>>  'detected_faces': <list of DetectedFace objects containing bounding box points}}

To get a DetectedFace object use the function:

>>> face = self.to_detected_face(<face left>, <face top>, <face right>, <face bottom>)
class plugins.extract.recognition._base.Identity(git_model_id: int | None = None, model_filename: str | None = None, configfile: str | None = None, instance: int = 0, **kwargs)

Bases: Extractor

Face Recognition Object

Parent class for all Recognition plugins

  • git_model_id (int) – The second digit in the github tag that identifies this model. See https://github.com/deepfakes-models/faceswap-models for more information

  • model_filename (str) – The name of the model file to be loaded

  • configfile (str, optional) – Path to a custom configuration ini file. Default: Use system configfile

See also


The extraction pipeline for calling plugins


Detector plugins


Parent class for all extraction plugins


Aligner parent class for extraction plugins.


Masker parent class for extraction plugins.

add_identity_filters(filters: ndarray, nfilters: ndarray, threshold: float) None

Add identity encodings to filter by identity in the recognition plugin

  • filters (numpy.ndarray) – The array of filter embeddings to use

  • nfilters (numpy.ndarray) – The array of nfilter embeddings to use

  • threshold (float) – The threshold for a positive filter match

finalize(batch: BatchType) Generator[ExtractMedia, None, None]

Finalize the output from Masker

This should be called as the final task of each plugin.

Pairs the detected faces back up with their original frame before yielding each frame.


batch (RecogBatch) – The final batch item from the plugin process.


ExtractMedia – The DetectedFaces list will be populated for this class with the bounding boxes, landmarks and masks for the detected faces found in the frame.

get_batch(queue: Queue) tuple[bool, RecogBatch]

Get items for inputting into the recognition from the queue in batches

Items are returned from the queue in batches of batchsize

Items are received as ExtractMedia objects and converted to RecogBatch for internal processing.

To ensure consistent batch sizes for masker the items are split into separate items for each DetectedFace object.

Remember to put 'EOF' to the out queue after processing the final batch

Outputs items in the following format. All lists are of length batchsize:

>>> {'filename': [<filenames of source frames>],
>>>  'detected_faces': [[<lib.align.DetectedFace objects]]}

queue (queue.Queue()) – The queue that the plugin will be fed from.


  • exhausted, boolTrue if queue is exhausted, False if not

  • batch, ExtractorBatch – The batch object for the current batch

class plugins.extract.recognition._base.IdentityFilter(save_output: bool)

Bases: object

Applies filters on the output of the recognition plugin


save_output (bool) – True if the filtered faces should be kept as they are being saved. False if they should be deleted

add_filters(filters: ndarray, nfilters: ndarray, threshold) None

Add identity encodings to the filter and set whether each filter is enabled

  • filters (numpy.ndarray) – The array of filter embeddings to use

  • nfilters (numpy.ndarray) – The array of nfilter embeddings to use

  • threshold (float) – The threshold for a positive filter match


Output the counts of filtered items

class plugins.extract.recognition._base.RecogBatch(image: list[numpy.ndarray] = <factory>, detected_faces: list[lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace] = <factory>, filename: list[str] = <factory>, feed: ~numpy.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), prediction: ~numpy.ndarray = array([], dtype=float64), data: list[dict[str, typing.Any]] = <factory>, feed_faces: list[lib.align.aligned_face.AlignedFace] = <factory>)

Bases: ExtractorBatch

Dataclass for holding items flowing through the aligner.

Inherits from ExtractorBatch

detected_faces: list[DetectedFace]
feed_faces: list[AlignedFace]

recognition.vgg_face2 module

VGG_Face2 inference and sorting

class plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2.Cluster(predictions: ndarray, method: Literal['single', 'centroid', 'median', 'ward'], threshold: float | None = None)

Bases: object

Cluster the outputs from a VGG-Face 2 Model

  • predictions (numpy.ndarray) – A stacked matrix of vgg_face2 predictions of the shape (N, D) where N is the number of observations and D are the number of dimensions. NB: The given predictions will be overwritten to save memory. If you still require the original values you should take a copy prior to running this method

  • method (['single','centroid','median','ward']) – The clustering method to use.

  • threshold (float, optional) – The threshold to start creating bins for. Set to None to disable binning

class plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2.Recognition(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Identity

VGG Face feature extraction.

Extracts feature vectors from faces in order to compare similarity.


Input images should be in BGR Order

Model exported from: https://github.com/WeidiXie/Keras-VGGFace2-ResNet50 which is based on: https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/software/vgg_face/

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

init_model() None

Initialize VGG Face 2 Model.

predict(feed: ndarray) ndarray

Return encodings for given image from vgg_face2.


batch (numpy.ndarray) – The face to be fed through the predictor. Should be in BGR channel order


The encodings for the face

Return type:


process_input(batch: BatchType) None

Compile the detected faces for prediction

process_output(batch: BatchType) None

No output processing for vgg_face2