train package

The Train Package handles the Model and Trainer plugins for training models in Faceswap.

model package

This package contains various helper functions that plugins can inherit from

Module Summary


Base class for Models.


Settings for the model base plugins.


IO handling for the model base plugin.

model._base.model module

Base class for Models. ALL Models should at least inherit from this class.

See original for an annotated example for how to create model plugins.

class plugins.train.model._base.model.ModelBase(model_dir: str, arguments: argparse.Namespace, predict: bool = False)

Bases: object

Base class that all model plugins should inherit from.

  • model_dir (str) – The full path to the model save location

  • arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The arguments that were passed to the train or convert process as generated from Faceswap’s command line arguments

  • predict (bool, optional) – True if the model is being loaded for inference, False if the model is being loaded for training. Default: False


A tuple of ints defining the shape of the faces that the model takes as input. This should be overridden by model plugins in their __init__() function. If the input size is the same for both sides of the model, then this can be a single 3 dimensional tuple. If the inputs have different sizes for “A” and “B” this should be a list of 2 3 dimensional shape tuples, 1 for each side respectively.


tuple or list


Currently there is only one trainer available (“original”), so at present this attribute can be ignored. If/when more trainers are added, then this attribute should be overridden with the trainer name that a model requires in the model plugin’s __init__() function.



add_history(loss: list[float]) None

Add the current iteration’s loss history to _io.history.

Called from the trainer after each iteration, for tracking loss drop over time between save iterations.


loss (list) – The loss values for the A and B side for the current iteration. This should be the collated loss values for each side.

build() None

Build the model and assign to model.

Within the defined strategy scope, either builds the model from scratch or loads an existing model if one exists.

If running inference, then the model is built only for the required side to perform the swap function, otherwise the model is then compiled with the optimizer and chosen loss function(s).

Finally, a model summary is outputted to the logger at verbose level.

build_model(inputs: list[keras.engine.input_layer.Input]) Model

Override for Model Specific autoencoder builds.


inputs (list) – A list of keras.layers.Input tensors. This will be a list of 2 tensors (one for each side) each of shapes input_shape.


See Keras documentation for the correct structure, but note that parameter name is a required rather than an optional argument in Faceswap. You should assign this to the attribute that is automatically generated from the plugin’s filename.

Return type:


property command_line_arguments: argparse.Namespace

The command line arguments passed to the model plugin from either the train or convert script



property config: dict

The configuration dictionary for current plugin, as set by the user’s configuration settings.



property coverage_ratio: float

The ratio of the training image to crop out and train on as defined in user configuration options.

NB: The coverage ratio is a raw float, but will be applied to integer pixel images.

To ensure consistent rounding and guaranteed even image size, the calculation for coverage should always be: \((original_size * coverage_ratio // 2) * 2\)



property input_shapes: list[tuple[None, int, int, int]]

A flattened list corresponding to all of the inputs to the model.



property io: IO

Input/Output operations for the model



property iterations: int

The total number of iterations that the model has trained.



property model: Model

The compiled model for this plugin.



property model_name: str

The name of the keras model. Generally this will be the same as name but some plugins will override this when they contain multiple architectures



property name: str

The name of this model based on the plugin name.



property output_shapes: list[tuple[None, int, int, int]]

A flattened list corresponding to all of the outputs of the model.



property state: State

The state settings for the current plugin.



class plugins.train.model._base.model.State(model_dir: str, model_name: str, config_changeable_items: dict, no_logs: bool)

Bases: object

Holds state information relating to the plugin’s saved model.

  • model_dir (str) – The full path to the model save location

  • model_name (str) – The name of the model plugin

  • config_changeable_items (dict) – Configuration options that can be altered when resuming a model, and their current values

  • no_logs (bool) – True if Tensorboard logs should not be generated, otherwise False

add_mixed_precision_layers(layers: list[str]) None

Add the list of model’s layers that are compatible for mixed precision to the state dictionary

add_session_batchsize(batch_size: int) None

Add the session batch size to the sessions dictionary.


batch_size (int) – The batch size for the current training session

add_session_loss_names(loss_names: list[str]) None

Add the session loss names to the sessions dictionary.

The loss names are used for Tensorboard logging


loss_names (list) – The list of loss names for this session.

property current_session: dict

The state dictionary for the current session_id.



property filename: str

Full path to the state filename



increment_iterations() None

Increment iterations and session iterations by 1.

property iterations: int

The total number of iterations that the model has trained.



property loss_names: list[str]

The loss names for the current session



property lowest_avg_loss: dict

The lowest average save interval loss seen for each side.



property mixed_precision_layers: list[str]

Layers that can be switched between mixed-float16 and float32.



property model_needs_rebuild: bool

True if mixed precision policy has changed so model needs to be rebuilt otherwise False



save() None

Save the state values to the serialized state file.

property session_id: int

The current training session id.



property sessions: dict[int, dict[str, Any]]

The session information for each session in the state file


dict[int, dict[str, Any]]

update_session_config(key: str, value: Any) None

Update a configuration item of the currently loaded session.

  • key (str) – The configuration item to update for the current session

  • value (any) – The value to update to

model._base.settings module

Settings for the model base plugins.

The objects in this module should not be called directly, but are called from ModelBase

Handles configuration of model plugins for:
  • Loss configuration

  • Optimizer settings

  • General global model configuration settings

class plugins.train.model._base.settings.Loss(config: dict, color_order: Literal['bgr', 'rgb'])

Bases: object

Holds loss names and functions for an Autoencoder.

  • config (dict) – The configuration options for the current model plugin

  • color_order (str) – Color order of the model. One of “BGR” or “RGB”

configure(model: Model) None

Configure the loss functions for the given inputs and outputs.


model (keras.models.Model) – The model that is to be trained

property functions: dict

The loss functions that apply to each model output.



property names: list[str]

The list of loss names for the model.



class plugins.train.model._base.settings.LossClass(function: Callable[[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor], tf.Tensor] | T.Any = <function mean_absolute_error>, init: bool = True, kwargs: dict[str, T.Any] = <factory>)

Bases: object

Typing class for holding loss functions.

  • function (Callable) – The function that takes in the true/predicted images and returns the loss

  • init (bool, Optional) – Whether the loss object True needs to be initialized (i.e. it’s a class) or False it does not require initialization (i.e. it’s a function). Default True

  • kwargs (dict) – Any keyword arguments to supply to the loss function at initialization.


Computes the mean absolute error between labels and predictions.

loss = mean(abs(y_true - y_pred), axis=-1)

Standalone usage:

>>> y_true = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(2, 3))
>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3))
>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)
>>> assert loss.shape == (2,)
>>> assert np.array_equal(
...     loss.numpy(), np.mean(np.abs(y_true - y_pred), axis=-1))
  • y_true – Ground truth values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN].

  • y_pred – The predicted values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN].


Mean absolute error values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1].

init: bool = True
kwargs: dict[str, T.Any]
class plugins.train.model._base.settings.Optimizer(optimizer: str, learning_rate: float, autoclip: bool, epsilon: float)

Bases: object

Obtain the selected optimizer with the appropriate keyword arguments.

  • optimizer (str) – The selected optimizer name for the plugin

  • learning_rate (float) – The selected learning rate to use

  • autoclip (bool) – True if AutoClip should be enabled otherwise False

  • epsilon (float) – The value to use for the epsilon of the optimizer

property optimizer: OptimizerV2

The requested optimizer.



class plugins.train.model._base.settings.Settings(arguments: Namespace, mixed_precision: bool, allow_growth: bool, is_predict: bool)

Bases: object

Tensorflow core training settings.

Sets backend tensorflow settings prior to launching the model.

Tensorflow 2 uses distribution strategies for multi-GPU/system training. These are context managers.

  • arguments (argparse.Namespace) – The arguments that were passed to the train or convert process as generated from Faceswap’s command line arguments

  • mixed_precision (bool) – True if Mixed Precision training should be used otherwise False

  • allow_growth (bool) – True if the Tensorflow allow_growth parameter should be set otherwise False

  • is_predict (bool, optional) – True if the model is being loaded for inference, False if the model is being loaded for training. Default: False

check_model_precision(model: tf.keras.models.Model, state: State) tf.keras.models.Model

Check the model’s precision.

If this is a new model, then Rewrite an existing model’s training precsion mode from mixed-float16 to float32 or vice versa.

This is not easy to do in keras, so we edit the model’s config to change the dtype policy for compatible layers. Create a new model from this config, then port the weights from the old model to the new model.

  • model (keras.models.Model) – The original saved keras model to rewrite the dtype

  • state (~:class:plugins.train.model._base.model.State) – The State information for the model


The original model with the datatype updated

Return type:


get_mixed_precision_layers(build_func: Callable[[list[tf.keras.layers.Layer]], tf.keras.models.Model], inputs: list[tf.keras.layers.Layer]) tuple[tf.keras.models.Model, list[str]]

Get and store the mixed precision layers from a full precision enabled model.

  • build_func (Callable) – The function to be called to compile the newly created model

  • inputs – The inputs to the model to be compiled


  • model (tensorflow.keras.model) – The built model in fp32

  • list – The list of layer names within the full precision model that can be switched to mixed precision

classmethod loss_scale_optimizer(optimizer: OptimizerV2) BaseLossScaleOptimizer

Optimize loss scaling for mixed precision training.


optimizer (tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer) – The optimizer instance to wrap


The original optimizer with loss scaling applied

Return type:


strategy_scope() ContextManager

Return the strategy scope if we have set a strategy, otherwise return a null context.


The tensorflow strategy scope if a strategy is valid in the current scenario. A null context manager if the strategy is not valid in the current scenario

Return type:

tensorflow.python.distribute.Strategy.scope() or contextlib.nullcontext()

property use_mixed_precision: bool

True if mixed precision training has been enabled, otherwise False.


bool module

IO handling for the model base plugin.

The objects in this module should not be called directly, but are called from ModelBase

This module handles:
  • The loading, saving and backing up of keras models to and from disk.

  • The loading and freezing of weights for model plugins.

class ModelBase, model_dir: str, is_predict: bool, save_optimizer: T.Literal['never', 'always', 'exit'])

Bases: object

Model saving and loading functions.

Handles the loading and saving of the plugin model from disk as well as the model backup and snapshot functions.

  • plugin (Model) – The parent plugin class that owns the IO functions.

  • model_dir (str) – The full path to the model save location

  • is_predict (bool) – True if the model is being loaded for inference. False if the model is being loaded for training.

  • save_optimizer (["never", "always", "exit"]) – When to save the optimizer weights. “never” never saves the optimizer weights. “always” always saves the optimizer weights. “exit” only saves the optimizer weights on an exit request.

property filename: str

The filename for this model.



property history: list[list[float]]

list of loss histories per side for the current save iteration.



load() Model

Loads the model from disk

If the predict function is to be called and the model cannot be found in the model folder then an error is logged and the process exits.

When loading the model, the plugin model folder is scanned for custom layers which are added to Keras’ custom objects.


The saved model loaded from disk

Return type:


property model_dir: str

The full path to the model folder



property model_exists: bool

True if a model of the type being loaded exists within the model folder location otherwise False.



property multiple_models_in_folder: list[str] | None

or None If there are multiple model types in the requested folder, or model types that don’t correspond to the requested plugin type, then returns the list of plugin names that exist in the folder, otherwise returns None



save(is_exit: bool = False, force_save_optimizer: bool = False) None

Backup and save the model and state file.

  • is_exit (bool, optional) – True if the save request has come from an exit process request otherwise False. Default: False

  • force_save_optimizer (bool, optional) – True to force saving the optimizer weights with the model, otherwise False. Default:False


The backup function actually backups the model from the previous save iteration rather than the current save iteration. This is not a bug, but protection against long save times, as models can get quite large, so renaming the current model file rather than copying it can save substantial amount of time.

snapshot() None

Perform a model snapshot.


Snapshot function is called 1 iteration after the model was saved, so that it is built from the latest save, hence iteration being reduced by 1.

class ModelBase)

Bases: object

Handling of freezing and loading model weights


plugin (Model) – The parent plugin class that owns the IO functions.

freeze() None

If freeze has been selected in the cli arguments, then freeze those models indicated in the plugin’s configuration.

load(model_exists: bool) None

Load weights for newly created models, or output warning for pre-existing models.


model_exists (bool) – True if a model pre-exists and is being resumed, False if this is a new model Model, models: list[] | None = None) list[]

For a given model, return all sub-models that occur (recursively) as children.

  • model (tensorflow.keras.models.Model) – A Keras model to scan for sub models

  • models (None) – Do not provide this parameter. It is used for recursion


A list of all tensorflow.keras.models.Model objects found within the given model. The provided model will always be returned in the first position

Return type:


model.original module

Original Model Based on the original code sample + contributions.

This model is heavily documented as it acts as a template that other model plugins can be developed from.

class plugins.train.model.original.Model(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ModelBase

Original Faceswap Model.

This is the original faceswap model and acts as a template for plugin development.

All plugins must define the following attribute override after calling the parent’s __init__() method:

  • input_shape (tuple or list): a tuple of ints defining the shape of the faces that the model takes as input. If the input size is the same for both sides, this can be a single 3 dimensional tuple. If the inputs have different sizes for “A” and “B” this should be a list of 2 3 dimensional shape tuples, 1 for each side.

Any additional attributes used exclusively by this model should be defined here, but make sure that you are not accidentally overriding any existing ModelBase attributes.

  • args (varies) – The default command line arguments passed in from Train or Convert

  • kwargs (varies) – The default keyword arguments passed in from Train or Convert


Create the model’s structure.

This function is automatically called immediately after __init__() has been called if a new model is being created. It is ignored if an existing model is being loaded from disk as the model structure will be defined in the saved model file.

The model’s final structure is defined here.

For the original model, An encoder instance is defined, then the same instance is referenced twice, one for each input “A” and “B” so that the same model is used for both inputs.

2 Decoders are then defined (one for each side) with the encoder instances passed in as input to the corresponding decoders.

The final output of the model should always call lib.model.nn_blocks.Conv2DOutput so that the correct data type is set for the final activation, to support Mixed Precision Training. Failure to do so is likely to lead to issues when Mixed Precision is enabled.


inputs (list) – A list of input tensors for the model. This will be a list of 2 tensors of shape input_shape, the first for side “a”, the second for side “b”.


See Keras documentation for the correct structure, but note that parameter name is a required rather than an optional argument in Faceswap. You should assign this to the attribute that is automatically generated from the plugin’s filename.

Return type:



The original Faceswap Decoder Network.

The decoders for the original model have separate weights for each side “A” and “B”, so two instances are created in build_model(), one for each side.


side (str) – Either “a or “b”. This is used for naming the decoder model.


The Keras decoder model. This will be called twice, once for each side.

Return type:



The original Faceswap Encoder Network.

The encoder for the original model has it’s weights shared between both the “A” and “B” side of the model, so only one instance is created build_model(). However this same instance is then used twice (once for A and once for B) meaning that the weights get shared.


The Keras encoder model, for sharing between inputs from both sides.

Return type:


trainer package

trainer._base module

Base Class for Faceswap Trainer plugins. All Trainer plugins should be inherited from this class.

At present there is only the original plugin, so that entirely inherits from this class. If further plugins are developed, then common code should be kept here, with “original” unique code split out to the original plugin.

class plugins.train.trainer._base.TrainerBase(model: ModelBase, images: dict[T.Literal['a', 'b'], list[str]], batch_size: int, configfile: str | None)

Bases: object

Handles the feeding of training images to Faceswap models, the generation of Tensorboard logs and the creation of sample/time-lapse preview images.

All Trainer plugins must inherit from this class.

  • model (plugin from plugins.train.model) – The model that will be running this trainer

  • images (dict) – The file paths for the images to be trained on for each side. The dictionary should contain 2 keys (“a” and “b”) with the values being a list of full paths corresponding to each side.

  • batch_size (int) – The requested batch size for iteration to be trained through the model.

  • configfile (str) – The path to a custom configuration file. If None is passed then configuration is loaded from the default .config.train.ini file.

clear_tensorboard() None

Stop Tensorboard logging.

Tensorboard logging needs to be explicitly shutdown on training termination. Called from scripts.train.Train when training is stopped.

property exit_early: bool

True if the trainer should exit early, without perfoming any training steps

toggle_mask() None

Toggle the mask overlay on or off based on user input.

train_one_step(viewer: Callable[[np.ndarray, str], None] | None, timelapse_kwargs: dict[T.Literal['input_a', 'input_b', 'output'], str] | None) None

Running training on a batch of images for each side.

Triggered from the training cycle in scripts.train.Train.

  • Runs a training batch through the model.

  • Outputs the iteration’s loss values to the console

  • Logs loss to Tensorboard, if logging is requested.

  • If a preview or time-lapse has been requested, then pushes sample images through the model to generate the previews

  • Creates a snapshot if the total iterations trained so far meet the requested snapshot criteria


As every iteration is called explicitly, the Parameters defined should always be None except on save iterations.

  • viewer (scripts.train.Train._show() or None) – The function that will display the preview image

  • timelapse_kwargs (dict) – The keyword arguments for generating time-lapse previews. If a time-lapse preview is not required then this should be None. Otherwise all values should be full paths the keys being input_a, input_b, output.